
If you can't find a set of Road Wheels, they are perfectly ok.
Especially over any aftermarket wheel. ANY!
I have Road Wheels and Cop Car Wheels. I just seen this and thought they looked decent. Especially on a 70 and up. Just something I had not seen on a C body yet.
I am Biased towards Dubs so my opinion wont count....:grin:


Even slots?
I consider 1969 a radical turning point in the image that C-bodies conveyed with the introduction of the Fuselage design.
1969 was the start of the luxo-cruiser era and leaving behind the performance era.

My perception of 1969 from being there and remembering it as if it were yesterday is more than likely more representative of the times than someone 20 years younger. I was driving behind the wheel. Someone 56 today was riding in the back seat.
Someone 46 today was created in the back seat.
My perception of the 69 thru 71 300's, Furys,Polara's is that the lines and the design of the car scream of the performance look. Kind of like a rich mans muscle car if you understand what I am saying. I am 46, lol.

I consider 1969 a radical turning point in the image that C-bodies conveyed with the introduction of the Fuselage design.
1969 was the start of the luxo-cruiser era and leaving behind the performance era.

My perception of 1969 from being there and remembering it as if it were yesterday is more than likely more representative of the times than someone 20 years younger. I was driving behind the wheel. Someone 56 today was riding in the back seat.
Someone 46 today was created in the back seat.
my perception of 1969 from being there and remembering it as if it were yesterday is more than likely more representative of the times than someone 20 years younger. I was driving behind the wheel. Someone 56 today was riding in the back seat.
Someone 46 today was created in the back seat.

IMO. The General beat Mother to the Fussy Party by 'bout 3 yearz. Think not? Take a look at the 2nd generation '66+'67 Buick Rivera 4500lbs sweet 'n low and 140 MPH

Those were absolutely beautiful cars, no doubt about it - but they weren't anywhere near being Fusys! Not by a long shot!
I think those wheels look great. I also think slots look great too, although I would have Torque Thrust Ds on my car if I could afford them. I had Rallyes on my '62 New Yorker for a while - they looked great on that car too.

Everything is relative; if you like the look go with it regardless of what anyone might say, including us - it's your car!


