When do we cross the line


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Dec 10, 2012
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From our toyz to just too much Stuff? I'm watchin' the newz this morning, Haven't got two sipz of coffee down yet and I'm seein' something about My country getting into a PI$$ING CONTEST with the French Government over who has the right to possess Michael Jacksons white rinestone studded glove! WHAT'D I MISS? Sorry Folkz, time to switch to gin. Happy Sunday, Jer
I wish there were no more important issues in this world to be dealt with. Don't forget Jer, Hendricks and Tonic with some cucumber spears, its a perfect day for it!
I wish there were no more important issues in this world to be dealt with.
Here. Chew on this while the media covers celebrity pissing matches. This SHOULD scare the crap out of you!
Give the video a chance. Please watch it to the end before saying it's just Chicken Little crap. Please?

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I watched all the way through Stan...Wow!

I agree that the evidence supports the conclusions...at least as a worst case scenario. I really think a lot of this has to do with the global over population too. I believe a lot of this will come to pass when we can no longer produce the food to supply the our massive global population. There is a study that shows that depriving people of basic food and water for about 6 days will cause them to revert to a basic survival mentality...regardless of your religion, ethics, or higher learning. We will revert to...you have what I need to survive...I will take it at any cost!

The other scenario that I can see cause the gov't to instigate martial law would be if there is a massive global pandemic. This is likely as well with the warming of the global environment and the melting of the polar caps. What this does is raise the yearly average global temperatures and allow an environment for new and dangerous strains of bacteria and viruses to grow and cultivate. It's the colder months, and areas, that help keep these "bugs" under control.

Again these are my personal views and predication...but still Scary stuff!
I'm thinking that the earth is moving to survival mode to protect itself from the scurge known as the human race.
For those.that don't believe 911 was an inside job that put us on this course,are foolish, the two worst infringements on your freedom and generally bad ideas, the patriot act and homeland security, gigantic pieces of govt that you will never get back into the box, and will be where the downfall gets its roots hopefully I wont be around to see it.
This SHOULD scare the crap out of you!

Why should anybody be SCARED? Nature dictates that Evil must always lose out in the end. A human lifespan is short in the cycle of time. Be more mindful of feeding the frenzy surrounding propagation of fear. I no longer subscribe to the politics of fear. Makes me recall some of the best words ever spoken in history. And no, I'm not a fan of the speaker.

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Want a good one? Sit down some evening you have an hour to spare and draw the modern parallels.

These "leaders" today have absolutely NO originality. It's all a copy of a copy of a copy. All the more reason they will fail miserably.
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Big Government seems not give a hoot about the constitution these days. We (America) are definitely headed for some tough times ahead.
Scary stuff indeed I better get busy finishing my car so I can enjoy it a couple of years before I lose it.
For those.that don't believe 911 was an inside job that put us on this course,are foolish, the two worst infringements on your freedom and generally bad ideas, the patriot act and homeland security, gigantic pieces of govt that you will never get back into the box, and will be where the downfall gets its roots hopefully I wont be around to see it.
Does anyone else remember hearing a newscast a few days before September 11, 2001? I remember hearing it as plain as day. I happened to be listening to one of the radio stations from Bismarck, ND at the time. It was either KFYR or KXMR, they both come in loud and clear where I live. Anyway, when the news came on it was announced that there was a very good chance that terrorists would try to hijack as many as eleven airliners from cities in Asia and fly them across the Pacific ocean, where they would crash them into buildings in cities along the west coast of North America. This was the one and only time that I heard this on the news. To my knowledge it was never mentioned again. I heard this before the weekend, probably September 6th or 7th. There had been some type of conference taking place in South Africa that week and Isreal and America had both "walked out" of the conference. Supposedly, the reason why the terrorists were likely to attack that weekend.
Well, the weekend went by and nothing happened, not until Tuesday morning September 11th and it didn't happen on the west coast as the news report had suggested it would. Instead, it happened in cities on the east coast. I've heard several stories too about it being an inside job. I'm not convinced that it was. I just don't know. Maybe the government had heard just enough "chatter" to know that it was going to happen, but weren't sure where. :eusa_think:
We are now the Jews of Germany in the early 30's.
I figure we have about ten more years left.

Aren't you MR. Optimism? I give it 1 or 2. We're going to be in deep doo-doo in 3 and full scale war in 4 if there isn't a turn in the tide. COG has been planning for this for decades.

We have been warned. Eisenhower cried the first alarm.

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Scary stuff indeed I better get busy finishing my car so I can enjoy it a couple of years before I lose it.
Did you really think we were going to be able to maintain current status enjoying our collector cars......?
Ten years from now will be a lot different in terms of registration and use of these cars. Costs will be beyond affordability, compliance will be almost unobtaniable and fuel needed to operate these old, giant V8's probably illegal.
What we have here........ Is a collection of future meseum pieces.

I'm not sure what all us weekend cruisers are gonna do then.... But i'm driving the hell out of my cars as long as I can.

Two years later, Kennedy was killed, and every leader since has played their part under those who don't retire at the end of some election cycle that we in the population watch like it can change something.

The difference between US and the jews is that we have known it's coming all along. Why do you think they try to tell us all about it on one hand while providing us with mindless nonsense on the other? Fear and distraction.

Sure, they'll take millions with them. But while not wishing to sound like some new age neo-hippie dbag, I'm certain that I've been here before and will be again. I'm not afraid.

It comes down to identifying which faction will start it. The communist's have become better capitalist's by playing ball with the corporate fascist's. But the progressive socialist's are using the corporate fascist's to drag the world down to where it can be conquered. So I say it will be them. They started WWI to get a strong League of Nations knowing it was the path to a one world government. Failing that, they set the conditions for WWII. Once they had the UN, they've slowly marched forward while we blindly don't connect the dots of agenda's with longer terms than even a lifespan. There's support for this thread that mentions global warming. A complete hoax based on proven phony science for the purpose of getting a "carbon tax" scheme. A tax on Life that will provide the UN with a perpetual funding mechansim allowing them independence. People who support this agenda also design bioweapons in the form of virus and GMO etc. We'll see. Coming soon to a world near you..... no point in being scared now.
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WHOW, I never thought this thread would get legz like it has! Personally, I've already made planz to cut the roof out around the upper perimiter of the Batwagon, Put it in the front yard, then fill it with good top soil and plant Strawberryz and Pahtuniaz in it! Did I mention that Deer love to eat those little flowerz? Good practice for when they come to confiscate the fire power too