When do we cross the line

Personally, I've already made planz to cut the roof out around the upper perimiter of the Batwagon, Put it in the front yard, then fill it with good top soil and plant Strawberryz and Pahtuniaz in it!

Yeah Jer...... Were creating and driving future lawn art.....I don't think our cars will ever be confiscated.

Maybe move somewhere where theres a long hill and get a winch, (electric one). Maintain the nostalgic thrill of driving by rolling down the hill and winching back up.

Jer has a plan and I'm down to like 2 years dammit I'm going to stop and get some sand paper on way home at least it will be a shiny museum piece or flower pot whatever. Oh and btw I would like to believe that my govt didn't do 911 but with how easy it made it to create a massive dept of govt ( the bigger the more corrupt IMO) homeland security waste more money dreaming up and chasing the boogie man andthe patriot act is a blank check not to mention kicking the constitution in the nuts I'm going to stop now i have to go get that sandpaper at least I can turn this into motivation
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Years ago if you said 911 was a conspiracy, I would have gone ballistic on you.
Knowing what I know now, that Muslims have invaded literally nook and cranny of our American society. News, Education, Finance, Government, and yes, MILITARY. The number of Muslims enlisted in the Military will shock you.
Enough people saying "nah, that's crazy..." and they've won.

Now check this out. Backs up everything I say.

Dookhan is Muslin, btw...


[h=1]Annie Dookhan, alleged rogue state chemist, may have affected more than 40,000 people’s cases, review finds[/h]
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I've never thought that 911 was an "inside job". I hate to have to admit it, but having heard the newscast that I mentioned earlier, which proves that they were aware that something was likely going to happen, I have wondered from time to time if maybe, just maybe, they decided not to try too hard to stop it from happening because, if it did happen, it would give them the excuse that they needed. I don't like to think things like that, even for a moment, and I hope that it truly was a case of the government just not having enough information to be able to stop it.
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Here's an example. If there was a 100% chance of an asteroid hitting Earth in one month, do you think they would tell us? Pffttt. Nope.

This article was written two years before 911.
If I could read he was the most dangerous man in the world in 1999, nobody in charge did??
I read that in '99 and the first thing I thought of was this guy must be stopped!!'

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More evidence surrounding the events leading up to and occurring on 911 has been destroyed now, than the entire contents of the Library of Congress. It's obvious that rogue elements within our govt were complicit and fact that there was a military stand down. Just as in every other false flag, like 7/7 in the UK, military drills simulating the very events that played out were a part of that day, to cover the actual operation. But nobody is ever going to prove a thing at this point. Useless. There is more evidence to prove the Clinton admin's involvement in OKC. That is where the event which finally was able to get the terrorism legislation ball rolling occurred and many of the same players names come up again on 911.

So what's new? Everything is faked. Reichstag-false flag. Peral Harbor-stand down USS Maddox, Gulf of Tonkin- false flag. How many marines died in our secret war in Central America in the early 80s?

And the NSA has been watching alot longer than you think.....

The trick, is to refuse to surrender the intellectual battle of words. If they can intimidate people into silence, it's easier to take down the whole. Look at all the reporters dying lately under mysterious circumstances. Martyr's. Speaking Truth to Power eventually leads to a majority refusal to accept the BS. They can legalize all they like, it won't matter. Eventually the moral win.
DETMATT was suggesting alcohol and cucumber spears from the beginning!

I think having the tonic around was precautionary....?