Where is the VIN stamped on a 1971 Fury?

what is the significance of the SO number. Can this be translated into a VIN number?
earlier in thread, it implies 67 doesn't have VIN stamped anywhere, only 69 and up.
Anyone know which is it?
Trying to find VIN on either of my 67 Fury's
Any help would be appreciated

The SO (68 and earlier) or VON (69 and later) is the original unique number assigned to a specific vehicle. Setting aside specially SO/VONs ( fleet cars, package cars, dealer demos, PR/Lease/Corporate cars etc), the SO is generated from the original order sheet.

It is the number used for ordering, tracking and billing a car until, and along with, the VIN is assigned.

The location of the actual stamping, and the format of the stamp, varies by year and sometimes by plant. So to give a sweeping generalization of where the stamp may be and its format depend on the year, body style and possible plant. What was true for a 67 Jefferson C body is probably not true for a 70 E body from Hamtramck.
The SO number bears no resemblance to the VIN number.

Not necessarily true depending on the particular situation especially package cars when Sequential SO/VONs are known. It is a limited application but a VIN can be derived in certain circumstances.
The 67's do NOT have the VIN on the body, the body does have numbers, a mix of SO, Plant codes and date codes.
The only way to tie a VIN to a shell on a 67 is the broadcast sheet, the broadcast sheet is the only place where the two are.
If the VIN tag on a 67 is removed there are NO other VIN on the car, the broadcast sheet is the only proof the two go together.


While the sheet may be the most common way, a SO can be tied to a VIN via a broadcast sheet, window sticker, shipping invoice, Chrysler Historical IBM card or inspection card.