I have been to this city too, not to exact location but I am pretty sure where this car is supposed to be. I am NOT from this city.
I am also sure the "background" isnt right .. some buildings in view are out of place -- in fact, I am not even sure you can park a car to get these angles/backgrounds for this photo. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it
We'll see if I get proven wrong ... again.

Questions on this photo:
1. City and State (big city in the midwest USA is my pick)?
2. Location of this 300 IN that big city?
3. What's wrong with the picture -- can it be actually taken or not?
#299. Three of us see this the same way.
@SPF Required and
@D Cluley had a better view than me of WHERE this 300 could be. I FELL FOR the "reverse shop" and wound up looking for the car in the WRONG place.
We all agree:
1. This city is Chicago IL
2. Location is downtown of course but in the area of Michigan Ave (a north/south street) crossing over the Chicago River (runs east/west through here)
3. Ah .. where is the car so getting a real picture is even possible?
I believed it to be WEST of the Michigan Ave Bridge).
The other two fellas can speak for themselves but they think different (and I agree with them - IF the car is even in the vacinity,
I indicated I could not make stuff "line up" becasue the photo has been altered. We all agree that this is probably right. The logical extension is, IF the photo is shopped, then the car
could be anywhere in the world.
A. What's wrong with the photo? the BACKGROUND is "reversed" behind the car.
B. How can you tell? The modern bulding above the hood of the 300 is the Trump Building (with its ouydoor signage erased btw) on the NORTH side of the Chicago River. The stone facade building above the roof of the 300 is the London Hilton on SOUTH side of Chicago river.
Here is the proper view - looking WEST with Lake Michigan BEHIND you
C. So? To get BOTH buildings in ONE photo, you'd have to be looking WEST into the city along the Chicago River. That in turn would mean, the London Hilton would be on your left (south) and Trump Bldg would be on your right (north)
in the 300 photo, the buildings are reversed behind the Chrysler. How do you know the Chrysler is NOT reversed? Gas cap is on DRIVER side and is properly shown .. which means the car is "right" but the background is REVERSED.
I also digitally reversed the city scene above .. you see the buildings "switch sides"
D. To prove a point: I reversed the GAME PHOTO below to show the effect: Now the two buildings are "right" as they truly are on the ground, looking WEST in Chicago, but the car appear to haves the gas cap on the PASSENGER side -- thats "wrong"
E. Summary. Thats Chicago "background no doubt. You can confirm for yourselves with Google Map, Earth, or similar tools to show you downtown Chicago.
However, I contend there is NO physical location to get shot of the car and the buildings so that everything lines up with physical reality ..
UNLESS .. the car we somewhere on the NORTH side of Chicago River, and EAST of the Michigan ave bridge, then maybe its all fine?
I just can't land Mr. Pegman anywhere to prove its possible. I remain a doubter until that location (
@SPF Required ID'd the River Esplande parking structure as a possibility)