i am a bit embarrassed. 5-6 years ago, after about year of looking, i went through all the Detroit old money hoods. i guessed it had to be a house, but it did not turn up and I stopped looking.
Seems like the guys that got this one did it with old fashioned good sleuthing and logic.
I was told the search tools today, even from only five years ago, are better. The fact its being marketed currently as a luxury home of historical significance may have given it a photographic web presence that helped it "match" search algos.
Finding/cleaning up digital details of the ad photo also had to help somewhat matching it as well to get architectural features .
Or, more likely, they simply just did a better job than I ... a local guy purporting to know the area ... did.
Palmer Woods, Indian Village, Boston-Edison, Lake Shore Drive (also in Grosse Pointe, assorted other areas) .. these are places the auto barons (the "Fishers", the "Dodges", the "Fords", their families, their company execs, their suppliers, their doctors, etc ,) built their spectacular,
mega-cribs (25K+ sq. ft.) in the 1920's-30's.
Inside the great Michigan estates of Detroit's auto barons
Grosse Pointe Farms was (is still) affluent ... but i didnt know anything like Skelton's house was in there (to the south across Vendome St., the adjoining property to the east on Voltaire St., etc. ). Quoting my nephew, there's some "Unk, some bangin' cribs in that 'hood."
Yup, this architect (Harvey) worked FOR Albert Kahn's firm but even then i had never heard of him before -- and I know the local Kahn HOME designs pretty good, even Albert's OWN
personal house, below in Detroit (its in this thread somewhere too).
Thanks players and interested members. See ya in the fall with other "impossible" games.

PS. These are NOT games. Just for sh*ts & giggles, two for the road,
From the '73 DODGE brochure. San Diego, Balboa Park.
This Pontiac below? I was physically there when we did this.
will be my first game back in fall 2024 - give y'all six months to think about it. Not impossible, but pretty tough