Where was this Mopar Brochure/Ad Photo shot?

I got the spot but do not feel that the car was there, some things do not agree.


Ah, yes. I noticed "oddities" too. I attributed it to possibly that 15 years have gone by creating "mis-alignments" today, OR, this whole thing is "shopped" (sloppily perhaps) and car was never really there..

If/when others solve it, we can compare notes at the end.

I bet whoever took this pictures was standing near that same spot.

#598 answer tomorrow, thursday.

we (any solvers) may wind up with different thoughts on whether photo is "real" or "shopped".

the more I look at it, it's entirely possible final photo has been digitally staged -- real place, real car, merged images.

also possible, decades have changed the physical location so that today getting a position that lines up all the angles/lines of sight/background isn't possible.

so getting the city and approximate position of the Audi against that skyline is a "winning" solution. That can be done with both digital map images and/or stock photos off the internet.

thanks in advance any players with a view on this game.

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#590. Hong Kong, China


This is looking southerly acress Victoria Harbour at the downtown area. Now it gets interesting. There is a railing behind the car. You can see the skyline lights THROUGH the car windows.

To solve any of these, you look for elevation and "lines of sight" (l-o-s) vs. the skyline. Several iconic buildings are references. The one on left is the Bank of China Tower, tallest one on right is Two International Finance Center.


Clearly, the car is on the opposite side (north side) of Victoria Harbour. But where is it to get all the l-o-s to line up?

I did NOT find a spot today, that has l-o-s, AND the railing, surface features. From Google Maps, THIS is where I think the car was.


This is a larger version of the same position below..
FLW 9L.png

Where is this location? Green lines approximate l-o-s to me. Red oval is where I think car was.
FLW 9KC.png

This is the Hong Kong Cultural Center. Most likely problem? The railing nor the surface features under the car appear today.

Possible reasons why not?

1. I just dont have the right location for the car, OR,
The location I suspect has changed in 15 years, OR,
The car was NEVER there. The skyline picture was taken from here (or a boat in the harbor?), the car was actually shot someplace else.

3. seems unlikely to me, because you can see the background THROUGH the car' windows. That would be a sophisticated photo shop. Certainly possible, but difficult.

I know a couple people report getting to the correct city. My vote for the problem is 2. above.

That's mostly just vanity talking -- I looked hard for the clues around the car, and did NOT find how it looked 15 years ago. I conclude the site looks a bit different now.

If I am wrong, wouldn't be the first time.:)
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Where exactly is this arch at? Can you still drive up to it? 1973 I think.

View attachment 682686
surely still must be accessible as an attraction people wanna see.

haven't been here in a decade, passed through as a tourist.

too bad i couldn't stay for the music and the geology, two of my longtime interests. :)
I was going to guess Bryce Canyon National park, but was wrong.

But found it the new fashioned way…. Here’s a postcard image from EBay.

@My three 67 Polaras are you one of the kids in that picture? Must have been a cool road trip.
Unfortunately not; those are two of my oldest siblings. It was a union shop. The two older kids with all the seniority get out for the photo op, while the two younger kids are in the back of that Fury II wagon, busy sawing logs. Somebody had to do the work.
Oh yes, I think I worked for that same shop back in the day (me being the youngest of 3).

It appears that tunnel is still present. And based on all the parking spaces on either side of it, still a popular photo spot.

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Here’s another fun drive thru attraction…. Any guesses?


My truck was too big so the family walked through it!

That may be the year they carved the tunnel in the tree. Chandelier Tree - Wikipedia

Didn't mean to get out ahead your reveal. Sorry.

One of the oldest, tallest, living things in the world.

been to northern california to see Redwoods, the only place in the world that has them, but dont think we drove thru one of 'em.

awe-inspiring place.
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Not a spoiler at all. Just something fun to put out to the players as a bit of an “in betweener”.

I actually never thought of putting personal pics on this thread until @My three 67 Polaras did it.

They don’t all have to be ads for this game (right?).
Not a spoiler at all. Just something fun to put out to the players as a bit of an “in betweener”.

I actually never thought of putting personal pics on this thread until @My three 67 Polaras did it.

They don’t all have to be ads for this game (right?).

No "rules" here. I ain't the thread police. :)

Personal pics, to the extent any OP deems appropriate, and in the spirit of the game, are cool. One of my objectives as OP is to make it HARDER than just searching a pic and having answer come up.

However, my latest games as OP have been easier to find that way (easier to find, harder to place vehicle on exact spot tho) to try to widen the participation but still have a challenge.

Obscure places, with more "words" as clues, and HARDER to solve, tends to limit participation to the "diehards".

Example, THIS one was hard to find (#65 & #71) -- but a couple folks did. A 1975 Oldsmobile no less.

I suspect it was a bit of a chore though, as solver needs to have time, interest, AND search skills .. maybe even a bit of luck ... to find some of these things.

I have tried to stay away from those as an OP except when i am about to "retire" from the thread for a few months.


heck man, you solved a few games many of us gave up on. In my case, I just couldn't find the darn place. Bravo and thanks.

Anyway, that said, thank you for asking though.

I hope we keep the "spirit of the hunt", by whatever means necessary, and its still the "same" game to me. But, whatever any OP wants, in the spirit of this or ANY thread and forum rules -- I got no beef with whatever folks post.

Just want to have fun with it, if interested, whatever the source of the game pic is.

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@My three 67 Polaras

Hello. Cool game. Thanks.

Are you ready to reveal #605 or waiting for someon to answer the question? Seems at couple people know the answer. Could be others as well.

Also, the practice has been we run one game at a time, and each OP makes the call on their game before somebody starts another.

Just checkin' -sorry to bother you.:)
@My three 67 Polaras

Hello. Cool game. Thanks.

Are you ready to reveal #605 or waiting for someon to answer the question? Seems at couple people know the answer. Could be others as well.

Also, the practice has been we run one game at a time, and each OP makes the call on their game before somebody starts another.

Just checkin' -sorry to bother you.:)
I did some digging and found it to be something like Red Rock park near Denver. I used google images on the ebay postcard and that is how I got there. It makes sense since I have another family photo taken at Cave of the Winds; about an hour away.

been to Red Rock Park, but we drove by the Amphitheater and through that tunnel. early nineties but never got back.

dodge 1964 polara-0XA.jpg


Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre.

350-300 million year old sedimentary rocks from the FIRST set of Rocky Mountains.

Now, all around you see these tilted rocks, obviously laid down "flat", now at these nearly vertical angles showing they were pushed up from underneath, themselves showing signs of dozens of millions of years of erosion..


Geology of the Rocky Mountains

yep, the second set of Rocky Mountains, only about 60 million years old, are what we enjoy now. Their "ancestors' rose and were flattened by winds/rain for 200 million years. Fascinating. but for another thread.:)

and i hear the concert venue is extraordinary... on my travel bucket list when i retire. Amphitheater below.

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