I understand too, I just disagree.When I was twenty years younger, I worked in a collision center, and every day this older man Alex, around seventy five years old at that time, would come up to me and ask ..."what you working on that piece of **** for?" No matter what I was working on it didn't matter, typically something from the eighties or ninety's. He was the previous shop owner, shop handed down through the generations, and now belonged to his son, who I worked for. Back then I wasn't quite sure why he said that every day. I figured he was just a grouchy old man. Being around and driving automobiles during the forties and fifties when automobiles were made out of steel, and nuts and bolts, and not held together with little plastic clips... as I say "when car were cars". Now that I am older and appreciate the '50s styling and engineering, I understand totally what he meant. I miss Alex.
There's an interesting article in the December issue of Hemmings Classic Car (yes, it's out already - in October.) They did a feature on a '79 Mercury Bobcat. Anticipating backlash for it, Editor Richard Lentinello wrote his commentary on why that car appears. It's a good read. See it on page 6 of teh Dec. '16 issue.