Sorry I couldn't get back to you all with updates about Carlisle these past two days, but suffice it to say that one word describes this year's show :
I haven't seen this place so packed in ten years !!! The buying is tremendous --- every vendor I know, I have spoken to, etc., etc. Is reporting double thumbs up....I am on the other side, so I can't see the car show itself --- and Carlisle hasn't announced yet whether we have hit the " 3000 cars " plateau, but the talk in the aisles, is that" they haven't seen so many beautiful MOPARS in one place ever....
KhryslerKid, over on FBBO, has taken a lot of photos, and they are breathtaking....
FCBO is extremely well represented, and they have a photo of about a dozen guys somewhere on this site ---- but there are a lot more guys here than that --- and I have had more than 20 here at my stand....
Driving out to get my one meal of the day, I buzzed up and down the Vendor aisles --- and I would say, about 1/ 2 remain... If you can only come Sunday, you had better get here at 6 : 45 A.M. sharp.... Vendors will be packing feverishly....
Many car show participants left tonight, because they don't spend for the ridiculously overpriced Saturday night in the local hotels, and get a jump start on their way home...
People have come from far and wide to get here --- I have heard and seen: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Colorado, and California, and of course, many, many Canadians, EH ??
I have been at Chryslers @ Carlisle all 32 years of the show....
I started vending here, year 4, of the show, and in my 29 years of vending,
This year, is my # 1 Chryslers @ Carlisle!!!
I brought 50 BEIGE/ TAN O.E.M. MOPAR Distributor Caps --- and have sold 48....
I brought *** 72 *** N.O.S. U.S.A. made Brake Drums and Rotors --- 16 were spoken for in orders called in --- I must have sold about 47 ( one guy did buy
One (1) ?!?!... )
I hope, if you are reading the updates of the show, and couldn't attend , you are vicariously living through us this year,, and getting some satisfaction from knowing that this show is getting Greater every year.....
I have one piece of advice --- I don't care where you are --- and unless circumstances absolutely must prevent you from being here --- take five (5) days out of your life in 2023, and be here at Chryslers @ Carlisle.....I promise you, that you will Love it--- whether it is your First, or Thirty Third.......
Yours, Craig.....