Wife wants to drive my car- stressing


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
West Central FL
I love my wife, she's one in a million. She is gorgeous, likes fast cars, can drive anything, including big trucks.Her biggest flaw is her damn cell phone while driving.

We recently sold her Cutlass, which was her need for speed car. She has a Matrix XR, it's not fast , but it's brisk. (Brisk and Annoyed rather than Fast and Furious).
So she says to me, I'm gonna take the Fury to Walmart, is it ready to drive?

My car has manual steering, manual bakes, and a 4 speed.The motor has a cam, it's touchy during slow speed maneuvers. It is just a pig trying to park.Parking is usually a 3 point landing.I can't imagine someone ordering this car new and not checking off the power steering box.

I treat my car well.I park it as far away from anyone else as I can. I only run non ethanol gas.I watch way ahead to make sure some texter doesn't pull out in front of me.

It hasn't been spoken yet, but the unspoken body language is "you love your car more than me".

I have the coil wire locked in my toolbox.Am I being too selfish?Who else lets their wife drive their car?
Signed , Freaking in Florida.
Mine gets any of them that are road ready if she wants it. She usually doesn't.
It's a test, set the idle a hair above stall, then give her the keys. Let her take her cell phone so she can call you to "Come and get this damn car!"
Let her drive it.
She will never ask again.
I told her she wouldn't like it. She thinks she's Rosie the Riveter.

Take her phone... OK. Maybe that's a bad idea.
She needs it to call me when it won't start because it's flooded.

+2 let her drive it.

if she puts it into a tree, you have an open shopping ticket

I sold 2 B Bodies to keep this car. I'm strangly in love with it's ugly looks.
Let her "try" to drive it.

The armstrong steering may make it a one time event.

You can always replace the car.

From your description, you won't find another wife like that.

It's a trap! No more sex for you if you say no. Let her drive it with you in the passenger seat. If she can deal/handle it let her go.

Just a thought & another way out is if you have the car insured with a specialty company. Check your policy. That is considered an errand & it might not be covered.
I am sooo glad I am divorced. No more trick questions.

Your never off the hook. I was talking to a friend the other day. He is 58 and dating. He said it is downright pathetic. It's like the all stop taking their medication after 2 weeks of dating. The last one was a grandparent & brought all of her grandkids to a restaurant & stuck him with the bill, on what was *supposed* top be a date. lol.
My wife is one of a million too and I let her drive any of my cars if she wants to (and she does, you should see the smile on her face when she is behind the wheel). She is a safe driver though... So, no help from me, lol
Your never off the hook. I was talking to a friend the other day. He is 58 and dating. He said it is downright pathetic. It's like the all stop taking their medication after 2 weeks of dating. The last one was a grandparent & brought all of her grandkids to a restaurant & stuck him with the bill, on what was *supposed* top be a date. lol.
Yes I admit being a grandparent, single and dating again is a real trip. Now I understand why their are five women for every man our age. It is still better to keep stepping than be miserable.
Let her drive it.
She will never ask again.

...and if she does then get her DNA , clone her and place a new thread up offering the clones For Sale to a good home as she will be one in a million.....next to mine lol

Happy Wife Happy Life