Wife wants to drive my car- stressing

I love my wife, she's one in a million. She is gorgeous, likes fast cars, can drive anything, including big trucks.Her biggest flaw is her damn cell phone while driving.

We recently sold her Cutlass, which was her need for speed car. She has a Matrix XR, it's not fast , but it's brisk. (Brisk and Annoyed rather than Fast and Furious).
So she says to me, I'm gonna take the Fury to Walmart, is it ready to drive?

My car has manual steering, manual bakes, and a 4 speed.The motor has a cam, it's touchy during slow speed maneuvers. It is just a pig trying to park.Parking is usually a 3 point landing.I can't imagine someone ordering this car new and not checking off the power steering box.

I treat my car well.I park it as far away from anyone else as I can. I only run non ethanol gas.I watch way ahead to make sure some texter doesn't pull out in front of me.

It hasn't been spoken yet, but the unspoken body language is "you love your car more than me".

I have the coil wire locked in my toolbox.Am I being too selfish?Who else lets their wife drive their car?
Signed , Freaking in Florida.
I let my wife drive all of my cars and encourage her to do so! It actually aggravates me when she doesn't. She's retired and has a lot more chances to get out and use them then I do. She can use a different one for every day of the week if she wants... You gotta lighten up!
I love my wife, she's one in a million. She is gorgeous, likes fast cars, can drive anything, including big trucks.Her biggest flaw is her damn cell phone while driving.

We recently sold her Cutlass, which was her need for speed car. She has a Matrix XR, it's not fast , but it's brisk. (Brisk and Annoyed rather than Fast and Furious).
So she says to me, I'm gonna take the Fury to Walmart, is it ready to drive?

My car has manual steering, manual bakes, and a 4 speed.The motor has a cam, it's touchy during slow speed maneuvers. It is just a pig trying to park.Parking is usually a 3 point landing.I can't imagine someone ordering this car new and not checking off the power steering box.

I treat my car well.I park it as far away from anyone else as I can. I only run non ethanol gas.I watch way ahead to make sure some texter doesn't pull out in front of me.

It hasn't been spoken yet, but the unspoken body language is "you love your car more than me".

I have the coil wire locked in my toolbox.Am I being too selfish?Who else lets their wife drive their car?
Signed , Freaking in Florida.
I love my wife, she's one in a million. She is gorgeous, likes fast cars, can drive anything, including big trucks.Her biggest flaw is her damn cell phone while driving.

We recently sold her Cutlass, which was her need for speed car. She has a Matrix XR, it's not fast , but it's brisk. (Brisk and Annoyed rather than Fast and Furious).
So she says to me, I'm gonna take the Fury to Walmart, is it ready to drive?

My car has manual steering, manual bakes, and a 4 speed.The motor has a cam, it's touchy during slow speed maneuvers. It is just a pig trying to park.Parking is usually a 3 point landing.I can't imagine someone ordering this car new and not checking off the power steering box.

I treat my car well.I park it as far away from anyone else as I can. I only run non ethanol gas.I watch way ahead to make sure some texter doesn't pull out in front of me.

It hasn't been spoken yet, but the unspoken body language is "you love your car more than me".

I have the coil wire locked in my toolbox.Am I being too selfish?Who else lets their wife drive their car?
Signed , Freaking in Florida.
keep the coil wire in your toolbox.
Let her drive it! Rosie the rivetor was one tough chick, she didn't need power steering, how do you think she got those arms? I wish my girlfriend would drive my car.
I love my wife, she's one in a million. She is gorgeous, likes fast cars, can drive anything, including big trucks.Her biggest flaw is her damn cell phone while driving.

We recently sold her Cutlass, which was her need for speed car. She has a Matrix XR, it's not fast , but it's brisk. (Brisk and Annoyed rather than Fast and Furious).
So she says to me, I'm gonna take the Fury to Walmart, is it ready to drive?

My car has manual steering, manual bakes, and a 4 speed.The motor has a cam, it's touchy during slow speed maneuvers. It is just a pig trying to park.Parking is usually a 3 point landing.I can't imagine someone ordering this car new and not checking off the power steering box.

I treat my car well.I park it as far away from anyone else as I can. I only run non ethanol gas.I watch way ahead to make sure some texter doesn't pull out in front of me.

It hasn't been spoken yet, but the unspoken body language is "you love your car more than me".

I have the coil wire locked in my toolbox.Am I being too selfish?Who else lets their wife drive their car?
Signed , Freaking in Florida.

It sucks to be you right now...
There is no safe answer, it is a trap...
If she likes it, you're screwed. If she hates it, you're screwed... she will want one she likes. If she hurts it, you might be off the hook with her, but your car's screwed.

I am unaffected by any of this myself. We have separate cars and separate insurance and she is not allowed to drive my stuff. I also refuse to drive her stuff which has made my life a bit easier every time something needs do to them. She actually divorced me a couple years ago, I now own my house and my stuff entirely... but she never got around to moving out, and then said "I don't know what I was thinking"... My tongue bled for days...
We have separate cars and separate insurance and she is not allowed to drive my stuff.
As corny as it may sound, I married my best friend, it's ALWAYS been a team effort with us and after 37 years I think I can trust her to drive any one of my cars and I can drive hers. We've been through a lot of **** together and questioning her ability to drive any of my cars isn't even in the equation. She's always been and always will be allowed to drive my stuff, no questions asked.
As corny as it may sound, I married my best friend, it's ALWAYS been a team effort with us and after 37 years I think I can trust her to drive any one of my cars and I can drive hers. We've been through a lot of **** together and questioning her ability to drive any of my cars isn't even in the equation. She's always been and always will be allowed to drive my stuff, no questions asked.
That is excellent... but not my situation... my life got easier and I am happy keeping it that way. I run good insurance, she runs minimums. She uses her vehicle professionally, I declared that when it was a shared policy. It isn't a trust issue, we have different perspectives and I can do it my way while she does it hers now. Best of all, its not my car next time she runs it out of oil or only drives it home... I'm not saying I wont fix it, but its not all on my shoulders.
Doesn't sound corny at all. We're coming up on 38 years in May. I drive her nuts and she drives me nuts. Even steven!

I say let her drive it, if it was mine I would let my wife drive it but it would probably only happen once because of the strong arm steering
Good thread gents. I've handed the keys to the Imp to mine a bunch of times and she always says "no way". I think she's mortified that something would happen to it while she's behind the wheel wether her fault or not. Hell, most of the time she's uneasy behind the wheel of her Focus!
Mrs. Big John has driven the 300 only a couple times. I don't think she really likes driving it, although she loves riding in it. I don't think she would take it alone anywhere unless she had to.

It's probably just as well.... Back when she had an Eldorado, I was getting on the entrance ramp to the highway as she went by. She didn't see me.... Try as I might, I couldn't catch her.... I was driving a Corvette.
Growing up in the 50's, most moms in our neighborhood didn't even have their license.
Six red-headed kids, yes. Driver's license, no.
Good thread gents. I've handed the keys to the Imp to mine a bunch of times and she always says "no way". I think she's mortified that something would happen to it while she's behind the wheel wether her fault or not. Hell, most of the time she's uneasy behind the wheel of her Focus!

x2 minus the uneasy Feeling behind the wheel of her Volvo. She just once drove my old Alpina Bimmer with a high pressure clutch plate for a few miles and she had an aching knee for a few days, has sort of "glass knees", but she can run 10 miles in a row without any Trouble at all.:D
Growing up in the 50's, most moms in our neighborhood didn't even have their license.
Six red-headed kids, yes. Driver's license, no.

You are totally right, now that you've brought it up. I'm not saying that a woman can't drive a non power assist c body but, as daily transportation who would want to.

My car for an example- the clutch is hard to depress, plus manual steering, it really is a handful.
I can't picture a little 60s mom in a beehive hairdo and gogo boots getting it done.

It makes me want to trace my car's history now. I am imagining the original owner, he's going to be a guy in his 40's who rolled up his sleeves when he went to work, and his wife didn't have a license.
Good thread gents. I've handed the keys to the Imp to mine a bunch of times and she always says "no way". I think she's mortified that something would happen to it while she's behind the wheel wether her fault or not. Hell, most of the time she's uneasy behind the wheel of her Focus!
Very true, my wife probably put over 50,000 miles on the Fury when it was new, now that it's restored she won't drive it at all. I think it's as you say, she doesn't want to break anything. She has no problems with the Hemi Jeep. :wideyed: