Windlace, where to by?

Scoopy G

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2019
Reaction score
Does anyone know of a source for windlace? I'm not finding anything that really matches the original stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

Rich in Tampa


Thanks Dave, I didn't think of them. I'm still in sticker shock at their quotes on the seat fabric at $159/yd, and the vinyl at $85/yd. Ouch!
I found it on Ebay. It looks factory but the problem is, the rubber seems to be too thick and the door seal is extremely tight. Very hard to open and close. I'm just hoping that the rubber will soften up with time.
Restoration Specialties and Supply, Windber PA. i agree with this one. received my windlacing from then it as a good match
Restoration Specialties and Supply, Windber PA. Ask for samples - you need the version with what's called a Leg.

Restoration Specialties and Supply, Windber PA. i agree with this one. received my windlacing from then it as a good match

Are these guys also tied in with QQE? If so I spoke to them at Carlisle this past summer and they will sell you the windlace by the foot.
Good Evening
SMS will also provide samples. However, be prepared for a LOOOOONG wait if you decide on them.
