Window motor repair, modification, will it work?


Apr 23, 2014
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When I bought my 68 New Yorker, the previous owner said he repaired the driver's window motor. After only one day of ownership, the window no longer worked.
Luckily, he had drilled the door for easy access to the bolts. I found the gear stripped of all its teeth and repaired it using this kit.

It wasn't long before it happened again, same problem, broken teeth. This time I bought 2 kits and was trying to be careful with the window operation.
2 weeks ago, while driving to work I rolled the window down and heard the familiar SNAP! I knew exactly what it was. I tried to milk it through the rest of the year but tonight it ripped the rest of the teeth off.

I got to thinking about why it keeps breaking teeth. Beside crappy material used for the gear, I think the dowels used by Dorman inside the gear are too hard. They are just hard plastic They don't provide any cushion when the window comes to a stop.

Thinking back to another thread about a repair for those pucks, I got some fuel line the same size as the pucks and cut a dowel pin to fit inside for support. The thinking being the rubber line will cushion the sudden stop of the window and protect the gear. I used a silicone-based lube as not to swell the rubber.


Will it last? I don't yet know but the window works fine. I will report back.
The good thing is after doing this the 3rd time, the whole process only took 45 minuets start to finish.
(Wondering what GM and Ford do to not have gears break when the up and down stops are hit?)
Broke the gear again last week.

I said screw it and ordered a whole motor assembly from ebay.
I ordered a left hand window and they sent a right hand one.

The gear did look like a different material, so I just swapped the gear to my motor.

The cars go into storage this weekend so I wont be able to see how long this lasts until next year.
I CANNOT recommend using the Dorman rebuild kit as the gear seems to be cheap sintered meatal.