%$#&% window motors

I hate it too, the drivers door on my Imp eats them. I think I'm on my third in the first year of ownership not counting 2 others that I replaced when I bought it.
My inventory of spare lefts and rights is approching critical level.

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Had to replace yet another one today!!!! :rant:
I absolutely HATE that job. :BangHead:

Front or rear? Seems like the rears are a lot easier to replace. I replaced all 4 with new A1-Cardone's from AAP. It's been 1.5 years and all 4 are good to go.
I went to Autozone and bought mine for a 94 i think it worked great but it was backwards i needed a right so i bought a left worked till i sold it years later
Great another job I haven't got to yet. You won't be surprised if I ask for some advice soon. My problem windows are my back 1/4 windows in my '66 300. They just hum right now. The fronts shoot right up and down.
Front or rear?
Left rear. Yes. Rears are much easier. It's not the r&r of the motor that I dislike it's the r&r of the door panels I detest. The crappy fiberboard backing always deteriorates where the clips attach and the clips themselves are a nightmare.

I have 4 new motors (2left, 2 right) that I'm hoarding for when I run out of used ones. I know. WHY won't I use the new motors? Because I'm anal....

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I think Bob's got the right idea. Where'd you get those brother Bob?
Left rear. Yes. Rears are much easier. It's not the r&r of the motor that I dislike it's the r&r of the door panels I detest. The crappy fiberboard backing always deteriorates where the clips attach and the clips themselves are a nightmare.

I have 4 new motors (2left, 2 right) that I'm hoarding for when I run out of used ones. I know. WHY won't I use the new motors? Because I'm anal....

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The door panel and clips are a real engineering disappoinment. Along with the rubber seal. I depise those damn clips!
I can only imagine the assembly line worker who for 8 - 10+ hours a day, 5 - 6 days a week, whose only job was to install door panels non-stop, one every 30 seconds. I would have put a gun to my head after the first day just thinking about having to come in the next day and do it all again. Then the next day. And the next day...

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You're absolutely right........that had to be the ultimate sh*t job on the entire line. Do you think he was standing on the line with a rubber mallet banging the door panels on.... or do think there was some sort of automated arm/process pressing them on?
Those line workers didn't care, their job was easy. They where putting them on, not taking them off.
I'm sure you know this...or maybe not...but you can scavenge power window motors from almost any mopar right up into the mid 90's. As was stated, sometimes the lefts, and rigth are in different locations...but they can still be used. Might have to swap the wiring connectors, but that's easy enough to do.