Old Man with a Hat
Says you..I love roll up windows.
I was referring to power windows. I love Armstrong Power. Never fails unless Arthur Itis comes to visit.Says you..I love roll up windows.
Have you got one of these? I know the door panels are on the PITA hit parade, but this tool (which also looks remarkably like a dandelion weeder) seems to help.Left rear. Yes. Rears are much easier. It's not the r&r of the motor that I dislike it's the r&r of the door panels I detest. The crappy fiberboard backing always deteriorates where the clips attach and the clips themselves are a nightmare.
I have 4 new motors (2left, 2 right) that I'm hoarding for when I run out of used ones. I know. WHY won't I use the new motors? Because I'm anal....
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Have you got one of these? I know the door panels are on the PITA hit parade, but this tool (which also looks remarkably like a dandelion weeder) seems to help.
Machine? Sorry, but that's funny. The "machine" was the big rubber mallet. If he was lucky! Otherwise it was his fist.
What would have been really lucky was a car passing through that work station with ALL the clips correctly in the hole instead of being smooshed over and crumbling the door panel backing board which I swear was made out of compressed flour. water, and sawdust.
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That IS the scary part. It being typical...Read the Tarrytown case study. As scary as it sounds, it's actually pretty typical of the relationship between management and labour in most `Big 3' automotive assembly plants during that time.
That IS the scary part. It being typical...