Old Man with a Hat
same dude? (loving those groovy shades)
same dude? (loving those groovy shades)
Oh. I thought there was some significance to the X amount of people unidentified that all parties involved agreed needed to die for the better of all humanity.
Such as 23 radical Moslem suicide bombers with Nuclear explosives and test tubes of Riacin.
I personally believe if stronger leadership where in the white house willing to put forth stronger influence maybe this tragedy might not have happened.
Additionally, If you really think there's no slant coming from the CNNs, MSNBCs, and NPRs of the world perhaps you'd like to join this gal. The Southern border, the Ukraine, Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, Syria, NSA, Obamacare, VA Scandal, Solyndra. What's next?
That is exactly what the puppet for the Socialist Liberals is supposed to do. He's a good boy. A very good boy....community organizing, Fund raising, Golfing, Vacationing & apologies.
please, please, puLEASE don't say that. If that happens it is truly game over.And we aren't done with the Clinton's...
doubt he'll do anything about it. Putin marginalized him completely.Obama just confirmed one known American on that flight that went down.
That proves my point.And we aren't done with the Clinton's...
Putin is a real leader. As was Reagan.doubt he'll do anything about it. Putin marginalized him completely.
Sadly you are correct. People got snookered in 2008, and then did it to themselves in 2012.Putin is a real leader. As was Reagan.
Putin knows Obama is a pussy and dominates him totally.
Google: "body language " putin Obama
If we could put Reagan and Putin in a locked room, the results would be interesting.
Puttin is sayin: You insignificant little boy. You are boring me. Scratch my balls.
Obama is saying: Michelle? Mommy?