You Military guys will like this

I am not a "military" type of guy but do like airplanes a lot...

Thats is a way kewl trailer vid.....
Not to be a show off but I've been to Duxford for the Flying Legends Airshow and it's must do if you can. It was my favorite airshow experience of all time and I've been to the RAF Mildenhall AS probably 7 or 8 times and many other's stateside.

They have a fantastic museum or museums I should say
I've been to the Paris Air Show twice in the 1980's and been to the Oshkosh Fly-In in Wisconsin once.

I love air shows!!!
Honestly, I tear up when I see the warbirds in flight, and especially that many in one place at one time.
To see all those planes in the air at one time: priceless!

Bandits at 2 o'clock...Tallyho!
I'm not military type either, but I love those old war birds!

Thanks for sharing.
Awesome some how doesn't seem quite good enough for this video, THANKZ DAVE. What comez to my mind tho' iz that the twin 40MM gunz that were used to knock the enemy out of the sky in WWII were absolutely worthless if the enemy was in horizontal flight and within about ah third mile away from you you could not traverse the guns manually or with the hydraulic system they came with to lead the plane fast enough to hit 'um! Us poor Leather Neckz were still livin' with those thingz 10 yearz after the war waz over so I know what for I spake. Now for ground support if I missed you with the first 2 roundz you better dam well move even if yer at ah 1/2 mile + away. Coyote's waz fun too but they couldn't run very fast. The change came in '57 when the Marinez joined the rest of the armed forcez and converted everything to hand held ground to air missiles. That waz and still iz ah whole new ball game 50+ yearz later