Brakes creaking? What's the spring the encircles the drum for ? 57 Belvedere

Rusty Muffler

Active Member
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Petaluma, Ca.
Brakes are like new but when I get near a stop I get this weird creaking. I thought it might be the hubcaps so I removed them, still there. Seems mostly coming from the front right (pass). I bled the brakes and re-adjusted them thinking one wheel cylinder was hanging up. Still there. Maybe the shoes need breaking in?
You could possibly have a stone or something in that right side brake. Pull it off and see what is going on. Maybe a broken spring.
By the way.....That spring on the outside of your drum was installed to deal with harmonic issues from what I have been told. I used to think it was to help cool the drum. I guess Ma Mopar thought it was needed or they would not have tooled up to put them on.
Thanks Six, but I've had the drum off and everything looks good. Also seems to happen more when the brake is warmed up.
Brake linings DO need to be "worn-in" to mate correctly with the friction surface of the inner drum. In this process, the binders and resins in the linings get "cooked out".

To me, "creaking" is more of a sound which dried suspension bushings make rather than brakes. Can the sound be duplicated with the car sitting still and the brake pedal pushed? If so, then it might be that the tabs the shoes rub against on the backing plate need a dab of some high-temp lube on them. Or consider it "normal" and do not worry about it. The wheel cyls have enough power to overcome any additional friction between the shoes and back plates as a general rule AND the return springs do the same when the brake pedal is released.

Can the sound be reproduced by slightly bouncing the front end with the car sitting still?

Take care,
Thank you C, you're going to love this. I checked all for wheels standing still, and when braking engine off. the OTHER 3 wheels make a creak that sound more like brakes engaging but not the wheel we're talking about! I've pulled all for hubcaps to make sure they're not involved. It stops great and straight but that sound needs to be dealt with. It seemed dry in there so I used a little light oil to see if there was a difference, but no. Seems it gets worse as it warms and as I come to a stop and let off a bit but not moving.
Thank you C, you're going to love this. I checked all for wheels standing still, and when braking engine off. the OTHER 3 wheels make a creak that sound more like brakes engaging but not the wheel we're talking about! I've pulled all for hubcaps to make sure they're not involved. It stops great and straight but that sound needs to be dealt with. It seemed dry in there so I used a little light oil to see if there was a difference, but no. Seems it gets worse as it warms and as I come to a stop and let off a bit but not moving.
I'm going to pull it off one more time and grease those areas Cbody was talking about. When I first bled the brakes months ago I had no idea that the front brakes have TWO wheel cylinders each and I didn't see the other sort of hidden one to bleed. At first I thought it was an odd setup, but now I like the setup because it's a much stronger braking setup and pushes more evenly on the shoes.
I'm going to pull it off one more time and grease those areas Cbody was talking about. When I first bled the brakes months ago I had no idea that the front brakes have TWO wheel cylinders each and I didn't see the other sort of hidden one to bleed. At first I thought it was an odd setup, but now I like the setup because it's a much stronger braking setup and pushes more evenly on the shoes.
I'm glad you like em.........I never had any noise but I couldn't get mine to play well together. They took turns challenging my heart rate. I never knew if it was going to dive to the left or right when I had to make a quick application of the brakes. After new shoes, new cylinders and a dozen adjustments, I gave up and switched to front discs.
Check the FSM for where the return springs hook into the brake shoes.
If I remember correctly either the front or the backs hook onto the loop like your shoe above.
In other words one set the return springs hook into the loops and the other set hooks into the hole in the web that is visible behind the loops.

Not sure why and it's been awhile but I know that info should be in the FSM.
Not saying that's your problem but something to be aware of.

Also make sure you have the correct springs.
I believe one set has three loops and the other has four loops.
I think that's also pointed out in the FSM.

Don't assume just because you may have removed the springs the way you have them is correct.
Never know who was in there before you.
You could possibly have a stone or something in that right side brake. Pull it off and see what is going on. Maybe a broken spring.
By the way.....That spring on the outside of your drum was installed to deal with harmonic issues from what I have been told. I used to think it was to help cool the drum. I guess Ma Mopar thought it was needed or they would not have tooled up to put them on.
That spring is a vibration dampener. If it's not there the brake drum can howl like a banshee.
That spring is a vibration dampener. If it's not there the brake drum can howl like a banshee.
That's great information Mccabe, thank you. Discovered it was an aftermarket power brake booster making that odd noise. It works fine except for the noise. I just posted the update on another post titled "has anyone see a brake booster like this?" This forum helped me figure it out. :)
That spring is a vibration dampener. If it's not there the brake drum can howl like a banshee.
I have a couple springs i need to install, If i could figure out how (Drums installed).
I have a couple springs i need to install, If i could figure out how (Drums installed).
When I installed mine, I clipped the two ends together on the spring, fit the spring in the groove on the bottom and just kinda stretch rolled it up and over the top. Wasn't too hard of a project.