for Canadians Bill M -103

pissing alotta folks off...banned from a few sites but no mater others are picking up where l left off...have plastered **** like this all over Justins FB page ect...people are starting to ask questions..pissin off the bubblewrapped is fun....they have no argument for what they can see with their own eyes and lm smackin whoever l can upside the backside of the head to lose the bubblewrap and open thier eyes...

Trudeau Funded Terrorists, Nearly $2.57 Billion Missing

why its okay to kill Canadians in Toronto..

my favorite for the gals that are pro islam
Islamic State Jihadist Says He Raped over 200 Iraqi Women: ‘This Is Normal’

get involved folks..burying yer heads in the sand solves nada...
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voiced my concerns to cpl Jewish organizations trying to get them to engage...anyway am getting the odd email from them and they are holding muslims accountable...their making progress as well...

"After researching and translating a television program that promoted Holocaust denial and referred to Jewish suffering as a series of “fairy tales,” B’nai Brith filed a complaint with Rogers TV, prompting the network to pull the plug on the Arabic-language show."

babysteps&persistance..get involved
Quebec archbishop upset at withdrawal of crucifix from hospital

The Canadian Press 02.28.2017

QUEBEC - The Archbishop of Quebec is expressing disappointment at a hospital's decision to withdraw the crucifix from its premises.

The Hopital du Saint-Sacrement in Quebec City says it removed the religious sign last week after receiving a complaint from a user.

And in a recent letter to the archbishop, Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, it said it had no choice if it wanted to respect the "religious neutrality of the state."

"As our primary mission is to offer health care and services, we must first respect the rights of our patients, who are sort of held captive by the institution," it said.

Lacroix issued a statement Tuesday to voice his disapproval with the decision.

"I sincerely believe this is a lack of respect toward the population and the history of this institution, which was founded in 1927 by the Sisters of Charity of Quebec in the name of their faith in the message of Jesus Christ," he said.

"Like very many Quebecers, I am expressing my distinct disappointment with this decision, but I can't believe this is the end of the story. At a time when we are talking about being tolerant, open, welcoming and respecting differences, the withdrawal of the crucifix from the Hopital du Saint-Sacrement goes exactly in the other direction."

Lacroix urged people opposed to the withdrawal to tell authorities, hospitals and other public institutions.

The hospital said Tuesday it has contacted police after receiving a "major threat to its integrity and its leaders."

This isn't the first time debate has erupted with regard to the place of the crucifix in public institutions in Quebec.

The cross above the Speaker's chair in the legislature sparked discussion after the Parti Quebecois introduced the 2013 bill that became known as the secularism charter or charter of Quebec values.

It sought to enshrine in law that the province was a secular state. The bill also banned public-sector employees from wearing religious symbols on the job, although the charter made exceptions for what was described as the province's religious heritage.

The author of the charter, Bernard Drainville, said at the time the cross atop Montreal's Mount Royal Park, or on the Quebec flag, as well as the crucifix in the legislature — all Christian religious symbols — would remain.

get invoved or buy a turban and stay the hell outa my way !
lose some win some...never say die

Teaching Assistant Who Led Antisemitic Prayer Fired by Ryerson University
Posters at Ryerson calling for the dismissal of Ayman Elkasrawy

Ayman Elkasrawy, a teaching assistant at Ryerson University who in a sermon preached “purify the al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews,” has been dismissed by the university.

In a letter to B’nai Brith Canada, Ryerson President Mohamed Lachemi noted that Elkasrawy was “no longer employed by the university,” and added that “we remain actively engaged in addressing antisemitism in our community.” B’nai Brith had sent a letter demanding that Elkasrawy be fired on Feb. 21.

Elkasrawy, who worked within Ryerson’s Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science, delivered his inflammatory supplications at the Masjid Toronto in June of 2016. The mosque later issued an apology for his remarks.

“We are relieved to finally hear that Mr. Elkasrawy has been dismissed,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “There is no place for someone who believes that Jews are ‘filth’ to deliver lectures or grade assignments at a Canadian university.

“We hope that this action by Ryerson administration will serve as a turning point in what has been a difficult year for Jewish students on that campus, and commend the administration for dealing with this serious matter.”

On Nov. 30, 2016, students from the Ryerson chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Students Association walked out of a student union meeting in order to obstruct a Holocaust education motion. It was later revealed that student union president Obaid Ullah Babar hadorchestrated the walkout, despite earlier denials.
good speech by folks down south should be happy you have someone stickin up for ya and keepin his word....wish our pm wasn't such a:elmer: Islamic girly boy
Trump is a maniac. But he's my maniac. The Liberal Media has been relentlessly slinging crap at Trump and the crap motivates him even more. The Liberal Media is panicking because they finally can't influence a President to get in line with their agenda.
Yep, past time to flush TURDeau down the toilet. That guys a piece of ****.

And yes the media and liberal devilcrats just cant wrap their minds around the fact that they cannot control trump. They push, he pushes back harder. They have exposed themselves for what they really are. I do believe america is waking up folks. Just last night after trumps address to the senate, i looked at my wife and said lets see how bad the lamestram media spin this one. My exact words were yep the lame streame media , spin it baby, spin it!!!! Like a F@@King top!!!

Drain the swamp!!!!! Watching the speech, you can see all the liberals just sitting there and the coservatives giving standing ovations, that skelator looking ***** nancy piglosi just sitting there pissed off. Anybody remember her with the comment about the 1700 page healthcare atrocity. She says You have to pass the bill so we can see whats in it!!!! Dayum elected officials are supposed to read the f@@king bills before they vote on em. Thats part of the swamp. Lets drain it!!!!!
Any Americans on this thread, spread the word about (ACT for America) this is a pro America anti islamist group headed by Bridgette Gabriel. She is a Christian who was forced out of her home in lebanon when the islamists took her country over in the 70s. They have had her on fox news. I have seen her spar with some of these imams on hannity. She doesnt let em lie on TV. Lots of good information on ACT for America website
Any Americans on this thread, spread the word about (ACT for America) this is a pro America anti islamist group headed by Bridgette Gabriel. She is a Christian who was forced out of her home in lebanon when the islamists took her country over in the 70s. They have had her on fox news. I have seen her spar with some of these imams on hannity. She doesnt let em lie on TV. Lots of good information on ACT for America website
ACT for America