for Canadians Bill M -103

Remember that not half of the college academics are muslims, but most of them are apologists. Under sharia, they will be the first to lose their heads.
Should have known you'd be all over this issue although I wonder if the the refugee upheaval wasn't actually Putin's reaction to sanctions. Still trying trying to understand Soro's motivations. I know there is no love lost between the two.

was looking at some Russia they say 47% muslim now albeit l find that hard to believe...thought Russia would have lowest stats because of Putin...guess hes havein issues to
How do you stop Tsunami? :BangHead:
Native Americans thought they could stop the Europeans.

knowledge and standing on soap box till folks clue in...folks may not wana hear what lm saying and they may want to deny what lm writeing but they cant deny what their seeing with their own eyes and l present that view every opportunity l get...
Toronto...why its okay to kill Canadians and rape and kill their kids...

**** like this is hard to deny even to the most ignorant...lm ***** slappin whoever l have to to get them to open their eyes...critters on the case now....
Heres one that needs to be spread around but i cannot figure out how to link it here. Its titled,

How radical islam penetrated the U.S. house of representatives.

Anybody who can link it here please do this .
Throwing bricks through the windows down at the Iranian Embassy.
That's on mondays agenda once l finish up here......