NOT MINE 1968 Fury III homemade convertible


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
At $7500, this is obviously overpriced. There was someone here a couple month ago that was talking about cutting the roof off his car. I can't find the thread, but I wonder if this is the result. Does anyone know the thread?

1968 Plymouth Fury3
"Read entirely, 1968 Plymouth fury, 383 motor, no top, homemade convertible, runs and drives great but definitely not a showpiece. IMPORTANT!!!!!!! If you see this ad it’s available…. If you wear a helmet 24/7, lick windows, and have eaten your fair share of crayons please don’t ask if it’s available.I’m not interested in a trade for your air Jorden’s or an x- box. PLEASE, PLEASE, really study on not being a total waterhead when you respond….It’s not rocket science, thanks in advance…. "




Do you need the "helmet 24/7" to drive it? Interesting conversion but if you want a 68 Convertible, they aren't THAT hard to find.
Convertible windshields are shared with 4-door cars - yes? They are more vertical than 2-door cars?
Convertible windshields are shared with 4-door cars - yes? They are more vertical than 2-door cars?
I've heard that before, but it's not true in C-bodies.

Courtesy of @300rag , here's the exchange. W657 being the NAGS number for hardtops and convertibles for 65-68.


Kind of ironic calling others "window licker" and then trying to sell a car whose roof you chopped off to make into a hillbilly convertible... pot/kettle...

Kind of ironic calling others "window licker" and then trying to sell a car whose roof you chopped off to make into a hillbilly convertible... pot/kettle...

I put that down to people are just weird sometimes. I kind of understand why he says that though. I sold my Mercury Gand Marquis through eBay and some of the messages I got were a little crazy.

I miss that Mercury though....
I put that down to people are just weird sometimes. I kind of understand why he says that though. I sold my Mercury Gand Marquis through eBay and some of the messages I got were a little crazy.

I miss that Mercury though.
I get that selling on-line isn't easy, but dealing with ghosters, low-ballers, etc. is just part of the "experience". I always try to be courteous to anyone who messages me about something I have for sale, and it's paid-off before: I sold my Charger to a guy whose initial message was nothing more than, "When can I pick it up?" Normally messages like that lead nowhere, but in that case he followed through.

I hope to never sell my Grand Marquis (a 1991, my favourite style)!
I get that selling on-line isn't easy, but dealing with ghosters, low-ballers, etc. is just part of the "experience". I always try to be courteous to anyone who messages me about something I have for sale, and it's paid-off before: I sold my Charger to a guy whose initial message was nothing more than, "When can I pick it up?" Normally messages like that lead nowhere, but in that case he followed through.

I hope to never sell my Grand Marquis (a 1991, my favourite style)!
I'm courteous too and wouldn't post or respond anything like that either. It doesn't get you far.

That said, I've had some responses to ads that just make you wonder what planet they are on. Some are funny and some are obviously scams. Everyone's money is green at the end of the day and if you can sell without getting scammed, you're ahead of the game.

I've got a bunch of stories about dealing with people both buying and selling. Thinking about it, that could even be a good subject for another thread!