Why is ISIS destroying historical evidence

All you need for a wacko religion is a nut case like L Ron Hubbard to fire up a few followers and write a rule book.
In my view the claimed distinction between main stream religious belief and fundamentalist belief is a red herring. For example the current Catholic prohibition on the use of condoms has cost countless lives of believers with AIDS. This is the crap that main stream religion continues to spew and hardly a word of condemnation in the media. For me it represents proof positive that religious faith is dangerous whatever form it comes in. As long as humans continue to accept divinely revealed truths over empiricism we are doomed to relive these atrocities. Of course I could list many absurdities of the Muslim faith but the religious skirts of our society are not clean.
I am not Catholic. I do veiw myself as a Christian. The Catholic fate is not responsible for the spread of AIDS or any other sexually transmitted desease. No body ever caught those things by being responsible or cautious. Any one that wants to sread it around needs to understand that they are taking a risk.
Lumping all religions as if they were equaly to blame for violence is not reasonable.
To compare Islam to ANY other religion is a non sequiter. Islam is the ONLY "religion" that is political, social, legal, and personal in nature...it simply masquerades as a religion. NONE of the other religions are like this. They peacefully coexist wherever they are located - EXCEPT where Islam tries to take root. This is proven worldwide on a daily basis. To say "well, we Christians/Jews/Hindus/etc have our problems, too..." is not the point; in fact, it's just BS. All that does is try to justify the actions of Islam. Moral relativism has no place here! Islam is the ONLY cult/religion to murder those that do not believe as they do, and they are the only cult/religion to have a complete system that is simply masked as a "religion".

There is NO comparison between the murderous cult of Islam and ANY other religion on Earth...including humanism and atheism, which by definition are religions in and of themselves, but that is another discussion.

On a slightly different note, for those out there with those ridiculous "Co-exist" bumper stickers on a vehicle, take the damn things OFF already!
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False. we are here to prove you wrong and you are a part of this too. You can't put everything in the same bag.
Hi Xavier,
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying is false? My position is that when religion is in power and has first say in our lives that rational thinking comes secondary, when laws are based on what a Bible or Koran etc says we should or should not do to each other, shouldn't we use rational thinking to decide if such "rules" apply or not? Should we not use our morality and ethics to make a final decision? Or as an example, should we just point to our religion in charge and say, this is how it is, send my children into slavery because they disrespected me and the book says they should be punished so. There are many extreme examples to be found in not only the Koran but also the Bible. Religion should not be the first reference to decide law, but should be a guide not the final word.
I disagree 100%. They are winning if we IGNORE them, or kiss their asses by buying into the "religion of peace" bullshit. They NEED to be discussed, and then they need to be STOPPED at all costs! We seriously are in danger of slipping into a Dark Ages-style period of time if they get a majority stranglehold in the world.
"all that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men should do nothing." i agree with you patrick.
Car forum, right? Ok just checking.
Off topic forum on a car board, so, wrong. I'm not looking for enemies. This is a great group of people with a wide variety of interests. I don't recall any negativity regarding other threads regarding ISIS/ISIL here recently, is it me personally?
To take the effort and resources to destroy a temple in Palmyra suggests to me that there is more to the story. Its not like chopping your neighbors tree. Palmyra's Temple of Bel destroyed, says UN - BBC News
Off topic forum on a car board, so, wrong. I'm not looking for enemies. This is a great group of people with a wide variety of interests. I don't recall any negativity regarding other threads regarding ISIS/ISIL here recently, is it me personally?
It's not you personally Tink, at all. I usually do a better job at keeping away from these threads. Carry on.
To compare Islam to ANY other religion is a non sequiter. Islam is the ONLY "religion" that is political, social, legal, and personal in nature...it simply masquerades as a religion. NONE of the other religions are like this. They peacefully coexist wherever they are located - EXCEPT where Islam tries to take root. This is proven worldwide on a daily basis. To say "well, we Christians/Jews/Hindus/etc have our problems, too..." is not the point; in fact, it's just BS. All that does is try to justify the actions of Islam. Moral relativism has no place here! Islam is the ONLY cult/religion to murder those that do not believe as they do, and they are the only cult/religion to have a complete system that is simply masked as a "religion".

There is NO comparison between the murderous cult of Islam and ANY other religion on Earth...including humanism and atheism, which by definition are religions in and of themselves, but that is another discussion.

On a slightly different note, for those out there with those ridiculous "Co-exist" bumper stickers on a vehicle, take the damn things OFF already!

I don't understand how your point regarding moral relativism relates to my argument. You are also being selective regarding which religions have historic blood on their hands. You won't get any argument from me that among the major religions Islam is particularly repugnant. Islam is unique in that all Muslims are bound to emulate the example of Muhammad. This includes fighting non-believers, killing the blasphemers, beheading prisoners and waging war on all other religions. The Quran mandates that believers fight non-believers in foreign lands. Jihad has nothing to do with inner struggle as portrayed in the media rather it actually means holy war. Unlike Christianity in the Quran there is no account of God's love for other religions. On the contrary the Quran recounts Allah's hatred of other religions and holy war is mandatory against non-believers.

None of this mitigates the inherent irrational nature and implications of all religious belief. The problem with religion is the followers' willingness to suspend reason and critical thinking. That is the first step down the road to Jonestown.
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Hi Xavier,
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying is false? My position is that when religion is in power and has first say in our lives that rational thinking comes secondary, when laws are based on what a Bible or Koran etc says we should or should not do to each other, shouldn't we use rational thinking to decide if such "rules" apply or not? Should we not use our morality and ethics to make a final decision? Or as an example, should we just point to our religion in charge and say, this is how it is, send my children into slavery because they disrespected me and the book says they should be punished so. There are many extreme examples to be found in not only the Koran but also the Bible. Religion should not be the first reference to decide law, but should be a guide not the final word.

You should be aware that everything, every laws you are living with are or may be based on the Bible. You can't do anything agaisnt that this is History. " modern " history tries to erase that fact but it remains the roots, like the exemple of the temple of Bel blown up buy ISIS. there is not more temple, you can built another one on the remains, but the roots will ever be the temple of Bel.
First of all, the freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. All this comes directly from our anceters that had a religion that teached them to live together. Of course the was a lot of massacres but all of this is to be replaced in to correct historical time ; that is never made with ISIS and that is more intolerable because they are living in the same century like us. You have to see the " long History " not only the short periods of time that seemed to be bring us backward.
Morality and ethicsn that comes from religion too. Why souldn't I kill someone to take everything he has ? Why souldn't we keep slavery and sex with childrens ? there are societies that ar ok with that. But our model or society, that was christian a during 2000 years, forbid all this at the end. ( first text angainst slavery ( jesus excepted )are from the 10e century for exemple, you will not find anything like this anywhere )
Religion was the first refrence of the law, and depiste the effort to erase that, it is still a fact in the " roots " of our way of thinking equality, respect, plurality...

A common mistake - but hum, this is very interessting talking about hat with US people because in France we are catholic for the most - is that the Bible is coposed by the ancient and the new testament. The ancient is the former alliance and the new, the second alliance with Jesus. We follow the new testament, acts and facts of the life of Jesus. all the extrems you can find int the Bible are in the ancient testament ( expected the apocalypse of john ).

Rationality nevers comes down with religion, look at everything that has been made during eras of religion, cathedrals, paintings, scupluturs, temples and so much thing that were an evolution. Even in medicine, often saw as a forbidden territory for relgion, in fact, this was false, ok medical evolution were slow and religious authorities were wrong in a lot of thing, but common people thta were belivers too listened to their own feelings and made discoveries and still were belivers. For exemple Louis Pasteur who was christian and debated against Felix archimède Pouchet on the fact that life can be created from nothing ( exemple : worms in meat ). Pasteur demonstrated that is was not true. Pasteur was accused of being false just because he was c

ps : sorry the bad english.
I believe that most wars were fought for power, with the leaders using religion as a disguise. The problessing facing many religions is the same problems of everything else, mankind.
Alvin Lee, Sang in one of his songs.

I never really understood Religion. Seems like a Good excuse to kill. I Cant relate to any power Structure, Where Ego is the Driving energy.

Thats how i look at things.
None of this mitigates the inherent irrational nature and implications of all religious belief. The problem with religion is the followers' willingness to suspend reason and critical thinking. That is the first step down the road to Jonestown.
You've been watching Join or Die, haven't you?
More people have died in the name of religion than for any other reason, ever!

You will have to proove it, I can proove you the opposite.
Just take the WW2 and communism and you are far beyond.
But I do agree that too much people were killed in the name of religion.
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I read a dissertation on an Australian journalists page about (ISIS) ISIL, call it what you will, and he stated from his research and talking to many muslims from that region that the followers of ISIS/ISIL all believe they are doing gods work because they are playing their part in the destruction that is supposed to bring about the end times. Typical fundamentalist claptrap. When religion becomes first and foremost, rational thinking goes out the window. What we have seen is proof of that.

But that applies to fundamental Christians too tho. I think they are destroying all the historical stuff because it is of value to our modern western world, which they want to destroy. And I agree 100%, they are cavemen with guns, and just not as advanced in thinking and tolerance as we are.

However, the modern world has killed people in wars for the sake of peace!? Bombs have been dropped on innocent civilians by various militaries. The Allies didnt give a **** if they dropped their 250 Pounders on historic buildings in Europe during WWII... **** happens, its sad times these days :( and history repeats itselfe. It will get way worse once that one guy becomes president tho ;)
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I don't understand how your point regarding moral relativism relates to my argument. You are also being selective regarding which religions have historic blood on their hands. You won't get any argument from me that among the major religions Islam is particularly repugnant. Islam is unique in that all Muslims are bound to emulate the example of Muhammad. This includes fighting non-believers, killing the blasphemers, beheading prisoners and waging war on all other religions. The Quran mandates that believers fight non-believers in foreign lands. Jihad has nothing to do with inner struggle as portrayed in the media rather it actually means holy war. Unlike Christianity in the Quran there is no account of God's love for other religions. On the contrary the Quran recounts Allah's hatred of other religions and holy war is mandatory against non-believers.

None of this mitigates the inherent irrational nature and implications of all religious belief. The problem with religion is the followers' willingness to suspend reason and critical thinking. That is the first step down the road to Jonestown.

Yep. And the Christian church has done the same thousands of years ago, unfortunately they dont teach THAT to my Kids in sunday school.