1970 Fury III Convertible 126115 miles: Intro & Planned 440/727 Swap

KYB KG5512 22.64" center to center extended length. Perfect fit with corrected exhaust. 275 rear tires are removable.
No time to test drive after work. Maybe tomorrow.








Front Shocks
Remove old upper mount nut, 9/16 wrench also required

Lower shock mount
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Upper mount viewed thru lower control arm
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One dead shock, one alive and well
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Upper mount, bushings and washers, one set mounts on shock rod from below. The other set from above.
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Right side was easy. Left side was over tightened and drilled out at the rear. Took 2 hours with sandpaper, cut off torsion bar, and 3 lb sledge to open the lower control arm enough to accept the KYB lower mount. Someone had a problem before.
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Left side
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Left side upper mount
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Front ride height
· the suspension height is measured as the difference between the lowest point of the adjuster blade in the lower control arm and the lowest point of the ball joint beneath the spindle. The factory’s spec is 1 3/8 inches plus or -1/8 inch
· Height from garage floor to adjuster blade 10 1/16 inch both sides
· Height from garage floor to lower ball joint 9 1/16 inches both sides
I know that's not within spec, but front was too high when in spec. Tires are 235-70R15 28" diameter, matches factory spec. All inflated to 35 psi. @rags maybe radials change things? Maybe it will settle, but I drove the car over bumps and up and down the driveway before final measuring.
Left side
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Right side
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Front tires are old. Rear rims need widening for more backspace. Next project.
maybe radials change things?
radials would would lower the height but not change suspension geometry. if that measurement is off it's because the torsion bars are adjusted low which will change the camber angle a bit. tires wearing even? car look good over all? don't mess with success. i hated the stance of my chryslers. for the '69 i broke apart two sets of newport leaf springs and combined them to make one set, 10 leafs a side. dropped the front a bit, right on the money.
radials would would lower the height but not change suspension geometry. if that measurement is off it's because the torsion bars are adjusted low which will change the camber angle a bit. tires wearing even? car look good over all? don't mess with success. i hated the stance of my chryslers. for the '69 i broke apart two sets of newport leaf springs and combined them to make one set, 10 leafs a side. dropped the front a bit, right on the money.
I was trying to get the height right after the additional weight up front. No clue how the tires will wear. Looks right to me, so I'm gonna leave it.
Seam sealer and rust (mostly surface)

LS Trunk Extension

RS, lots of Seam Sealer at front. Convertible spare mounts at side. I guess to give room for top to retract.

Holes above pan x-member
· Gas tank filler neck: mounting screw, 7/16 short socket, 12 inch extension, 3/8 breaker bar. Work filler neck in and out of doughnut while applying WD-40. Filler neck comes straight out. Plug filler neck hole with rag. If you don’t do this, you’re going to have a problem with clearance between the front of the gas tank and the axle and shocks. Ask me how I know.

Hoses and Connector removed
· Gas tank straps, front hangers: sprayed threads with WD-40. Begin loosening nuts with 9/16 wrench. Continue with 9/16 long socket, 10 inch extension, 3/8 air ratchet. Do not remove nuts completely. Jack and board under gas tank. Have assistant slowly lower tank while holding it steady and moving the tank straps to the side. When jack completely lowered, slide tank on floor out from under car.
Straps at low point on hangers



Tank ready to slide out

· Gas tub: I have a 30 gallon tub that I bought from Walmart with a latching top. With the help of a couple assistants, picked up the tank, removed the rag plugging the filler neck opening, poured contents of tank into tub.
· Gas tank: I was excited: no rust through. It does have surface rust on the sides and a little bit on the bottom, but this tank looks to be in about as good a condition for a 50-year-old gas tank as you could possibly ask for. I got lucky, wow!




Center Pan: Seam sealer protrusions at front. Otherwise, I guess seam sealer was rust preventative. Relief!
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Left Subframe: Immaculate
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Right Subframe, same
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Rear of Straps mount in those triangle holes
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Pin holes left side trunk extension, otherwise: solid
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Gas Tank Clean Up
Paint on bottom
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Dent at rear, only damage I found
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Tank Bottom: wire wheels on drill, shop vac, and rags
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Tank Top: wire wheels on drill, sand paper, Marine Clean, shop vac, rags
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Air Vents, fuel leaked from here, but hoses were old and rotted. Hope they're OK.
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Time to buy some POR15 paint
Looks like you could replace the fuel sock.
You're right. It is split.
Need that, rubber donut for filler neck, rubber gasket for sending unit. May reuse tank pad. Not sure. Van's probably has a new pad for a decent price. Haven't checked yet.
· Tank Straps: wire wheel, sandpaper, CRC, toothbrush, rags
· Filler Neck & Gas Cap: wire wheel, sandpaper, rags
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· Trunk floor, underneath: CRC Brake Cleaner and rags, cardboard under car to catch drip. no pics. Didn't really look much different, but hope it takes POR 15 better.

Fuel Tank Sending Unit: peeled off filter sock
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· Super structure for pipe filter sock is plastic and can be removed with wire wheel on bench grinder. If you move the sending unit horizontally such that wire wheel exposes a little of the pipe, you can see where the pipe ends and the plastic continues.
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.50" clearance
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End of super structure adds .25" clearance. Total clearance end of pipe to end of filter super structure is .75"
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· Filler Neck Grommet FTG6776 $8

· Fuel Tank Pad TPD020 $25

· Lock Ring & Seal CHZTNKLR1 $5

· Sending Unit Ground Strap 5/16 SUGS $8.50

· Filter Sock with super structure CHZSND438 $10

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Trunk work ongoing
Paint bottom of pan with POR 15 Gloss Black, 2 coats, after clean up with CRC Brake Cleaner



Right side trunk extension
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Left side trunk extension
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Holes repaired with JB Weld, Tankweld. Loctite Rust Neutralizer applied with 1" brush.



I intend to paint over and use a rubber floor mat.
Gas Tank
Tank Weld @Trace 300 Hurst recommends for sealing leaks at base of air vents. Thanks!
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2 part epoxy
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· JB Weld, Tank Weld 8217: cut cylinder of 2-part putty in .5” slices. Kneed in fingers. Roll between palms to get uniform color.
· Gas Tank Air Vents: rolled piece into long worm. Broke in halves. Each half to seal the base of 2 air vent pipes. Pretty was not the goal. No gas smell and leakage when I fill the tank is the goal.
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Tank Straps, POR 15 Gloss Black. Used a Purdy 2.5" angled brush on the trunk pan, straps, and filler neck. It was Made in USA. Hope they still are.
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Filler Neck, same
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POR 15 Silver
Paint top of gas tank, 2" flat brush
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Gas Cap
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This thread is definitely bookmarked! The gas tank was actually one of the first pieces I fixed when I got Delmae running. I currently am in the process of painting my subframe with POR-15 so that I can replace the rusted one and get the NOS Moog stuff I have for it and build the 383. Nice to see another C Body in the DelMarVa area (I am in Southern Maryland).
This thread is definitely bookmarked! The gas tank was actually one of the first pieces I fixed when I got Delmae running. I currently am in the process of painting my subframe with POR-15 so that I can replace the rusted one and get the NOS Moog stuff I have for it and build the 383. Nice to see another C Body in the DelMarVa area (I am in Southern Maryland).
Thanks, Walter. Maybe we can meet up sometime after we're done
Trunk Pan Paint
· Trunk Floor top: Tape drain plug holes from below, except the 2 small ones where subframe blocked access. Plugged with cloth. 1 very thick coat white Rustoleum Farm & Implement HD oil based paint, 3” straight brush. Used almost .5 can. I put it on thick so it would plane out and not show brush marks. Color is actually white, no gray in it. Goal: seal the metal away from moisture.



No, it's not perfect, but I intend to buy a trunk mat to go over top. Note spare tire mount is not in usual position, I guess so it doesn't obstruct convertible top. Need a new spare tire sticker for the trunk lid if anyone has a source.
Car Plugs/Drain Plugs. clean with Brush Cleaner (paint thinner), Marine Clean, rags, scratch pad, utility knife, chisel

Gas tank: bottom gets 3 coats. POR 15 silver is runny and blotchy. It's a pain to work with even on horizontal surface. You need to watch it after you finish to check for drips and coagulation.


POR 15 Lab Results say: impervious to gasoline. POR-15 Technical Information.
Called POR 15 tech sppt 973-887-1999 to verify. Gasoline will soften POR 15 rust preventative paint in a matter of hours. Impervious means to short term exposure, like you spill some on the surface and wipe it off.
· Filler Neck: wire wheel, utility knife, sandpaper, flat blade screw driver to remove POR 15 below ridge for grommet seal.


Still waiting on Van's order. Waupun WI USPS sucks. They held my Priority Mail package for 6 days 11/3 to 11/9. I called Van's and spoke to Dwayne, one of the owners. I requested my postage be refunded. He did give a partial refund of $10. Seemed like a good guy. Said he'd had problems with that Post Office before. Beware if you need something fast. Hope to get the package by Friday which will be 9 business days.

OH BROTHER is also when you want to reinstall your gas tank and your car's up in the air. But. you're waiting for parts because some blockhead does not what to do with Priority Mail.