Cam Concerns 68 Polara w 383


Dec 17, 2023
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Beginning the process of cam installation and I have some concerns. Please see my video:
Starting to look at Comp cams maybe. Thx!
As far as "wear pattern indentations", none. As far as "wear patterns", I saw more there than was mentioned.

There is a Lunati cam which Summit sells as their cam in a white box which is pretty close to the OEM 383HP cam for a good price. A few threads in here where people have used it for a replacement on a 10.0CR 383 4bbl 1968 cam. A little bit more duration and lift, but n0t much. That might be a good option.

Thanks. I'll have a look at that. I really hate that I went low cost on this. I feel like I set myself up to fail.
think I recently read that Lunati had been absorbed by Comp Cams...
I don't like the cam. The nose of one of the lobes looks defective, among other things.
I wouldn't use it.
think I recently read that Lunati had been absorbed by Comp Cams...
Lunati is now part of the Edelbrock Group, which includes Comp Cams. BTAIM With these larger holding companies buying brands, you never know how things will end up. Not unlike Holley buying MSD and "hos many" EFI brands? By the time these things settle-out and such, many of us will be in the ground, I suspect. As those who like to cuss Chinese products heads will probably be in orbit.

Take care,
What I see are stains on the surface of the lobes. It could be from a lot of different things, dirty coolant from the cam grinder comes to mind, or how it was cleaned after grinding, but I could also see it happening from how you cleaned it up too. I have seen this on other cams that worked just fine.

So, it's just stains and not wear. I'd use it.

EDIT: Thinking on it, they put a phosphate coating on the lobes of a new camshaft. They get rinsed after getting dipped and that would account for the staining.
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You're right Cbody! Sounds like my cam, nor any voodoo cam, is available now!! That's too bad...cant beat it for a heavy c-body.
I put in a request with Comp today to match up my engine with a Cam. I'll ask if they know about the Lunati Voodoo 256. If I'm lucky they might still make it under another badge.
Also, I've got a regular 2bl 383. Any idea if it would be possible to use one for an HP? I've got refurbished stock 295 heads. Nothing special.
Comp still owns Lunati from what I understand. They'll definitely know about the Lunati Voodoo line of cams. The 256 cam should work about us well with your lower compression G code 383. Lots of guys have put higher profile/rumpier cams in lower compression 383's and them seem to work pretty well. 383's are easy to overcam though but the 256 cam really is a torque cam with just a slight bit of lope to it...very slight. I get 20" of vacuum at idle with 440 source heads and the 256 idles really smooth.
Comp Cams broke with their asymmetrical lobe shapes in the 1990s, quick opening and slow closing, so more area under the lift curve. I was surprised to find that Lunati had similar lobes about 5 yrs ago.

I have one of the first 268HE cams they made back then. I put it into a 440 block and measured the lobes with a dial indicator, measuring directly off of a valve lifter with a Mr. Gasket degree wheel. I was astounded to see that the valves were at max lift a full 10 degrees of crank rotation! The lobe shapes were "as advertised". An original DC Purple Shaft 284/284 cam I also checked was at max lift for only 1 degree of crank rotation, by comparison. BUT that was way back then. Still have both cams. Unsure how a more recent CC cam would look, or a Lunati for that matter.

Take care,
Back in the day Lunati cams were more powerful and quieter% than the same duration comp and both were designed by UDHAROLD with lunati being later, Today Howards has the lastest UDHAROLD designes Lunati and Howard have easy to find cams for mopar .904 lifter and Comp used chevy grinds on their mopar cores although they have some .904 grinds now which require professional set up
That said of all the 256 grinds Mike Jones has absolutely the best lobe works well and has more torque
let him pair with exhaust that matches your exhaust, gears, etc I use with Isky dual springs set up for the recommended pressures but today i'd use beehives
%quieter cams have less wear on chevies the Lunati had about 30 more HP It's about the area under the curve
Jones lobe is the fatest 256@006 205 (or so)) @.050 .305 lobe lift but huge at .200 it takes other grinders another 10 -15 seat degrees to get that curve with a chevy master like the 268 comp do not put a chevy cam in your mopar
Jones could put more lift in at the same duration but he sold to the motorhome market where they want good wear and it's the fat duration not the sharp pointy lift that counts
Back in the day Lunati cams were more powerful and quiter than the same duration comp and both were designed by UDHAROLD with lunati being later, Today Howards has the lastest UDHAROLD designes Lunati and Howard have easy to find cams for mopar .904 lifter and Comp used chevy grinds on their mopar cores although they have some .904 grinds,
That said of all the 256 grinds Mike Jones has absolutely the best lobe
Nobody ever suspected that some cam vendors were using a common Chevy lobe in their cams for other brands, until Hughes Performance made a big deal of that when they came out with "Chrysler cams with Chrysler lobes" in the 1990s. After they had introduced their "Quench Dome Pistons" ( to effectively make an open chamber into a closed chamber with just a piston change ).

I spoke with sales at Jegs today. It sounds like those Lunati cams really aren't available, regardlessof what the website shows. They don't know if they will be again, due to the Comp Cam merger. So if you got them consider yourself lucky. I'm going to try a Comp Cam Magnum 270. Fingers crossed.