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  1. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    More refurbished goodies for thr Gremmy. The dashboard is not ready just yet. To kill all the black in the interior, the headliner will be a very light shade of grey. I will also chuck in a colorful rainbow mexican blanket inside just for the fun of it
  2. Unix

    We have lost Rip

    Sorry to hear :(
  3. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Spamming a little in my own thread, but very happy witht the outcome. It's not perfect with the gaps & all, but good enough for me.
  4. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    No. It was a green Gremlin with the white hockey stick stripe. I mixed things up a bit because this is a 73' , so the X - package kit would have the "wavy" stripe kit. I decided on the 71-72 X-package stripe kit, with a more agressive (in my perception) stripe kit , or would I say a more "Star...
  5. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Paintjob complete, clearcoated over and rear hatch painted black. Now onto reasembly.
  6. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Thanks! I will have quite a few miscellaneous items missing - rear quarter lights, door handles, interior stuff like window cranks, black seat belts (the ones i have are green - maybe i will try dyeing them) etc. You know, bits here and there, but nothing major i believe. The A904...
  7. Unix

    1968 Newport 4dr Hardtop restore (NL)

    Excellent work. Thank you for the write up. I am not into the mixer setup since it is very old school, but you have me fascinated on the fuel injection plans with lpg. Please keep us updated on this, since it is something i would definately take into account transitioning to lpg.
  8. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Another step completed. The "speed stickers" are on. Will have them clearcoated next week and the paint job will be oficially done.
  9. Unix

    1968 Newport 4dr Hardtop restore (NL)

    Nice work. Are you using the IMPCO lpg system ? It is something that i have not ruled out in my ride... How many liters does the bottle hold ?
  10. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Front bench is done, the back one almost complete. The sides on front were raised a bit to give a little cornering support. The green is what it would look like from the factory
  11. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Masked and ready for paint of the hatch area and black stripe that surrounds it. The sides will have the sticker kit and i decided to clearcoat them. The silver paint on the car is correct to the factory Quicksilver, managed to find it in the system.
  12. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Having the seats remade, new foam, springs fixed, whole thing powder coated. Will have new door panels made from scratch as well
  13. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    from what i read previously in multiple sources, when introduced they were a 70's model year - ahead of the Pinto & Vega. The 71 was the first proper production year from what I gather.
  14. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    A few more. With the hood
  15. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    Very true. But worse, parts in the US for the Gremlin are few and far between - I am talking about interior bits, a real nightmare to find anything in decent shape, NOS is very hard to come by, much harder than for a fuselage c-body. I guess most of these Gremlins went to the scrap yard, and...
  16. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    I have no idea. But most premium motorcycles have clearcoated over stickers
  17. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    i sure hope so! Don't know if the factory clearcoated the stickers.
  18. Unix

    AMC Gremlin

    What do you guys think? I reckon it looks good. Next up is sticking on the x package black stripe kit, and then clearcoating it again.
  19. Unix

    We've lost Locumob - Scott.

    Sorry to hear. Sad news.