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  1. 3175375

    Name that girl

    Your clue was of no help for me. I never watched a show with that guy. Back into my snow cave!
  2. fury fan

    WANTED radio reverberator for 65 sport fury

    Perhaps a modern-day equivalent could be useful? : 12volt audio reverberator
  3. fury fan

    WANTED radio reverberator for 65 sport fury

    Don't post names, addresses, phone #s etc, in a webboard. There are too many bad actors out there.
  4. fury fan

    Question on sticky intake valve(s)

    Some years ago I made a water injection setup using a bottle of some sort, it had a tiny vent hole to allow air in, then had an aquarium stone attached to a hose in the bottle, then that hose attached to a vacuum hose on the engine. The aquarium stone decreased the flow rate. A bottle of fluid...
  5. 3175375

    Heavy Metal

    On the 19th of October, 1962, the USS Ranger (CVA-61) was helping to film a documentary about carrier pilots. The ship was entering San Francisco Bay, and two VF-96 Phantoms were being readied for launch. The film shot was supposed to capture a Phantom being launched off the deck, then climbing...
  6. C

    For Sale Rebuilt Alternator 3438171 Single Pulley

    Rebuilt 3438171 Alternator dated 15 70. Has 2444478 single pulley. This part number is listed for 6-cylinder cars but is basically the same as the ones used on small and big block cars without AC. $125.00 plus shipping.
  7. Trace 300 Hurst

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    I certainly agree with that but I had great results with my fairly inexpensive repro Spectra CU332, which is not aluminum and was thoroughly coated in good black paint. Just checked....$326 at Rocky.
  8. Trace 300 Hurst

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    I had one full (difficult!) semester of Heat Transfer in engineering school and I can tell you this: Paint it matte black. From the web: The rate of heat transfer by emitted radiation is determined by the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation: Qt=σeAT4Qt=σeAT4, where σ = 5.67 × 10−8 J/s · m2 · K4...
  9. fury fan

    Hubcaps restoration

    If you have access to a Cricut, you could make a decal to perk it up. I don't know about the durability, but most of our car stuff leads a somewhat sheltered life nowadays (no snow, limited water, etc).
  10. 57fury440

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    I've used several different ones over the years. I never had a problem with them.
  11. King Hooter

    Gene Winfield has passed.

    So sad to hear about Gene's passing. My cousin just got to meet him and got his autograph at the Grand National Roadster Show.
  12. 57fury440

    Gene Winfield has passed.

    He was one of the giants when it came to custom cars. R.I.P.
  13. C

    1971 Chrysler AM 8 track radio wiring question

    Back in about 1978, I got a new Silverado to drive. "Gut Loaded", including the factory AM/FM/8-track stereo radio. Later I made a visit to one of the Half-Price Books/Records & Tape stores. They had a multitude of 8-track tapes for $1.00 each, so I got a few. Some of the neater ones were...
  14. Big_John

    Gene Winfield has passed.

    I've been a fan of custom cars since I was a kid. One of the best was Gene Winfield. He passed at 97 today. Gene Winfield - Custom Car Builder - Winfield's Custom Shop
  15. detmatt

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    Probably not. I’m a firm believer in “you get what you pay for”…
  16. azblackhemi

    Cheap Aluminum Radiatores

    Anyone have experience with cheap aluminum radiators? My 69 Monaco runs too hot so I found a 3 row aluminum radiator for around $150. Can it be any good at that price?
  17. azblackhemi

    My Next Victim

    Almost done with Medina so here's my next one. Another E body. 70 AAR cuda. Had extensive sheet metal replacement at a local frame and unibody shop. Car was T-boned back in the 80's and not repaired well at all. Going back to the original Sublime color.
  18. 68HemiRR

    For Sale OEM V8 Aluminum Thermostat Housing #3698565

    This is a OEM V8 Aluminum Thermostat Housing #3698565. It is original, not a china knockoff. It is in good condition, but could use a cleanup. $15.00. Local pickup, or buyer pays shipping.
  19. M

    1966 hardtop window components

    I found the kit for the back windows. I haven't had any luck with the front. Somebody was making them. I bought a kit for my 65 Monaco 3-4 years ago. I don't know if the B body kits are the same. Both Van's and Classic Industries have the B body kits available.
  20. Welder guy

    Some more classic pictures
