.020 steel head gasket question...440

tech sppt said ridges up...went ridges up with copper spray sealant
Watch that copper spray, (I like it) but it will squeeze out with torqued head bolts then the little balls flow toward the radiator and plug some tubes.
I usually put a screen over thermostat housing (kind of in a bag shape up inside top radiator hose) to catch stuff like this, and if block was nasty.inside. The lint screens they sell are hardware stores to slip on the end of the washer discharge work well for this also. Slip it over the thermostat housing and trap it with the hose and clamp.
HELP! I am need of one steel shim gasket to complete the reassembly of my 361. Turns out one of my stash was damaged. No, I don't want to use a composite or those skinny ones with the rivets. Does anyone have anything? Thanks. Jim
HELP! I am need of one steel shim gasket to complete the reassembly of my 361. Turns out one of my stash was damaged. No, I don't want to use a composite or those skinny ones with the rivets. Does anyone have anything? Thanks. Jim
I pm'ed you. They are available again!
Great to see. Do you want to sell me a set or shall I just order them from a local supply house? Happy either way,...and you did research their existence. Jim