134A conversion, don't hesitate!!

And you still suck.

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I'm just now looking at the AC on my CHP car, I will be staying with the RV2 compressor with new evaporator, condenser and drier. The hoses may be salvagable but havent looked at them close yet.

What needs to be done to run 134a?

New O-rings.
Flush the system.
Drain the compressor oil and refill.
Remove the EPR Valve from the compressor.
Charge the system with a leak detector and pressure check.
Ideally new hoses to begin with but... up to you.
Charge with Genuine Dupont R-134 which is 100% 134 and not the chain store crap which has only 75 - 80% R-134 and the remainder is other gasses.

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