They sell about any configuration pulley you could want if you can't find something Stan let me know the a/c guy up the road is top notch I know him well and he can ship right to you.
I'm just now looking at the AC on my CHP car, I will be staying with the RV2 compressor with new evaporator, condenser and drier. The hoses may be salvagable but havent looked at them close yet.
New O-rings.
Flush the system.
Drain the compressor oil and refill.
Remove the EPR Valve from the compressor.
Charge the system with a leak detector and pressure check.
Ideally new hoses to begin with but... up to you.
Charge with Genuine Dupont R-134 which is 100% 134 and not the chain store crap which has only 75 - 80% R-134 and the remainder is other gasses.