15 inch red center wheel cover.

That's a different cap altogether!

Yes, They are different Zac. The 14" wheel covers appear similar and are very easy to locate. They were the standard wheel cover on Polaras in 67 and, I think, 68 I have a set of them too. The 15" disc brake covers, or deluxe covers, when used on non disc brake applications, were standard on cars with 15" wheels.
It was likely a pretty rare option for truck application and even more rare for hemi equipped cars. Not many folks ordering the hemi option would check the wheel cover box, I would think.
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If you read correct you know what i meant………………..
maybe check with hubcap lucy

Pearsonville Auto Wrecking & Hubcaps
I'm talking about the 2 idiots that can't identify between totally different caps that have to disagree with me is all.
Because you pointed out a 14" wheel cover, and he needs 15" wheel covers, hence the two red X's.
Hemi prices includes wheel covers :-|
I'm guessing the covers with the red centers, like the set I got, were used on trucks only? They would seem out of place on a green, blue or yellow car.

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The pictures in this ad, although very nice, are inconclusive as they are all of restored cars. I would like to see a period pic of a new hemi Dodge with these wheelcovers, as well as a coded broadcast sheet.
The covers shone in the ad have the "non disc brake" bullseye in the center. Mine have the Dodge insignia which is what makes me thing "truck".