1961 Imperial 2 Door for Sale

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I'll drink to that and I dont drink

Every time I see one of those "Saudi Royal Family" pigs on tv I want to yak all over the place. Ya ever see those gold diamond encrusted rings the size of a field mice on their fingers? One of the rings could probably feed 10 starving families for months over there. Totally disgusting if you ask me. Gas money.
That's OK, though. After the elections you won't be able to afford to keep your cars so buying gas will be a moot point.

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Don't matter. We're the real losers either way. The Muslims are now deeply infiltrated inside our government, the Chinese totally control our economy, and the Hispanics are grabbing up everything we ever worked for.
The only thing that keeps me from grabbing an Uzi is the thought of who will take care of my wife.

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Don't matter. We're the real losers either way. The Muslims are now deeply infiltrated inside our government, the Chinese totally control our economy, and the Hispanics are grabbing up everything we ever worked for.
The only thing that keeps me from grabbing an Uzi is the thought of who will take care of my wife.

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