For Sale 1966 imperial vert $2,000

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Good to know.

Makes me sleep better knowing a 70 polara convertible wont look like this

1971 polara demolition derby car.jpg

1971 polara demolition derby car.jpg
Me too like 20 or 30 years ago right ??? well maybe 15 or 20 years ago

Especially the 64/5/6 models. The slab styling was condusive to a "crush" zone. The derby guys would head on into the wall first thing and from then on they were like a battering ram. Coupled with the 413 and 440's they were concidered a unfair advantage and therefore banned from competing.

I remember seeing an imperial like that comedown to the final two cars, it and a big chevy wagon. The imperial pinned the chevy to the wall and just stood on the gas. The chevy was trapped and the imperial declared the winner.
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