1967 Imperial Crown Sedan... need fuel sending unit


New Member
Sep 17, 2017
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Ontario, Canada
I have narrowed down my fuel gauge not working, to needing a new fuel sending unit.
I've searched the internet and found some but they specifically say" not for 67/68 Imperial".
what makes these models and years so special/different?
With all the knowledge on this forum, does anyone know where I can get one that will fit, perhaps from a more common C Body model?
I just happened to look up the sending unit for a 67 New Yorker on line and found one from Spectra, part number FG148A.
I don't have a picture of mine because its still in the tank so...can someone tell me if this picture looks like it will work in my 67 Crown Sedan?
That’s the one I got for my ‘67 Imp.. I kept my old one in the box that the new one came in because I figured I might get this one rebuilt one day because the new ones lack the quality of the originals.
The new one was not accurate and required a little adjustment to get it even remotely close.
Thanks detmat. When you say it was not accurate and required adjustment, what was not "accurate" and what "adjustments" did you have to make?
It wasn’t actually able to tell if the gauge how much gas was in the tank. I don’t remember exactly but let’s say it was off by 3/8 of a tank. We had to open the Metal box where is the rheostat lives and carefully bend it so that it was more accurate. This is done by trial and error in that you painted a bit and then you have to install it to check your work. Wash, rinse, repeat. At one point I just said close enough.
Ok I understand, I was mostly wanting to be sure it would "fit" my 67 Crown, I can do modifications and live with the gauge being not 100% accurate. My gauge doesn't register at all now, so I'm currently going by how many miles I drive before I fill it up.
I'll order the Spectra one and install it.
Thank you again for your help and quick responses.
In terms of chassis/frame, I had always thought the main difference between '67 Chyrysler and '67 Imp was 1.) the Imp's extended front clip, and 2.) that things from the transmission on back were the same, but I could well be wrong.

A lot of things I thought would interchange (i.e. '67 Imperial with other "67 Chryslers) actually do NOT. Fuel guages on BOTH my '67 Imp AND '67 New Yorker "list to the left" which means they read lower than actual reading, which I've adjusted to over the years.

Good luck with your installation, and definitely check on parts, even things that would intuitively be the same; with these cars.
Oh and don’t toss the original lock ring because it’ll be better than the one that comes with the new sending unit.
I put the new Spectra brand sending unit in today and the gauge now registers, although as I was warned, it is not accurate.
The tank was almost empty when I installed the sender and then headed to the gas station. Filled up the tank and the gauge reads just below the 3/4 mark. Oh well, it's better than having no reading at all!
Save your old sending unit for rebuild and check your float for a hole. It may only be a bad float. Just Sayin'
Scour the Imperial club website. There’s information on this type of error and how to remedy it.