1969 300 Vert for Sale

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gentlemen, may i introduce James Madison, Salmon P. Chase, and while i'm at it, Woodrow Wilson.




they are real bills, no longer made though, they were mainly used by banks to exchange large sums of money up until around WW2.

I am looking into a C, not the car i mentioned @ Carlisle though.............I'll keep ya posted, I promise. This one looks good.

and no, those bills are not mine!
I keep getting bills via mail but never managed to get anything bought with them.
You are an enigma Mark.

enigma? you said you had a jackson on me, which I assume is a $20, and i countered with a much higher denomination..........what is so puzzling about that?

The next post i start will generate chat too, and there will be nothing puzzling about it - unless anyone finds a full garage puzzling.
Just remember that we don't want to see any ponchos or bow ties here.
i have a poncho that I bought in Tijuana in 1994........and i'm wearing it whether you guys like it or not. I like to top it off with a sombrero while i'm driving my donked C around the 'hood.
At this point we just want for you to be happy and have a C body. If a donked one would make you happy then so be it!
does anyone have a fender tag pic?
To know if it is donked already
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