Nah no sequential lights. No shark fin fenders. The CL link leads to nowhere. Probably a fake ad
..The CL link leads to nowhere...
Yeah okay. Right.My computer is not broken. And that pee green car is nothing like mine. You need not try to prove nothing to me. And I have nothing to prove to you. This is the reason why I stay off the internet. Bunch of crap for nothing. Over nothing. Waste of time
I too know a little about the '66 Dodge market.The polara is here. $2500 if you want it. Seems like when I give things away here every one loves me. Just like the other 3 I gave away here. JFYI I have a very good idea of what these cars can bring. I've been doing it for 40 yrs plus. My choice on what I do with my cars. Consider yourself lucky when I give some cars away. I'll put a pic of the canceled check on the others to show how wrong you are.
I'm a bum!Oh I didn't mean that for you. It was an in general type thing. I'm getting a lot of crap for advertising my car. Some people think I should donate it to the homeless.
No I'm not a dealer. Just a person who has enough money to get what they want. I've purchased 6 imperials since joining this forum and have made some good friends. I sold 3 of them to members of this forum. I have decided I'm just not a C body guy. I like my b bodies better. I drove the car on several occasions. It's fun. But not for me. I have tioo many cars as it is. Putting some on consignment gives them a place for storage with out having to pay an outrageous storage bill. The car is still mine. If it sells so be it. If not in 6 months when it cools down I get it back Thanks for your opinion.
The polara is here. $2500 if you want it. Seems like when I give things away here every one loves me. Just like the other 3 I gave away here. JFYI I have a very good idea of what these cars can bring. I've been doing it for 40 yrs plus. My choice on what I do with my cars. Consider yourself lucky when I give some cars away. I'll put a pic of the canceled check on the others to show how wrong you are.