It was for the good of the Forum. Forum first.
And here I thought you and Dave were for America First!

But, seriously, I have also written 2 replies to this thread and also cancelled them both.
I will try again.
78% of Americans with full time jobs live paycheck to paycheck now, and obviously there are a good number more with jobs that are not full-time or have none at all. That doesn't leave very many prospective buyers in the U.S. to buy these cars and actually do something with them. That is the only real reason these cars go overseas. Their governments don't serve mainly the top couple of percent of the population.
Real C body lovers want these cars saved and loved by persons who will do some good with them, regardless of where they end up.
I personally am therefore glad that Tobias is doing what he is doing. Otherwise, these cars would just be destroyed. No one can "flip" one of these nearly 50 year old cars without first taking some risk in buying them, putting a significant amount of time and money into fixing them that needs to be recouped despite being bought "cheap" and sitting in some barn for many years and then hope to sell them to a good buyer who will be interested in them.
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