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If my garage was empty with no other cars in it to throw my $$$ at, id certainly take on this piece of Detroit history. To store it would have to be outside and that would only make matters worse unfortunately
Seen it sitting in a yard in the 'inner city', not the best area of course. Guy said 'its BEEN for sale for years, nobody wants to come down here and buy or even look at it!' Done deal. At that time it was just a big ol plain jane red fury, ive learned more since then!
Wish i could find a solid sedan/coupe shell, that would be a immediate game changer, trust me!
Thankyou 1970cat and ive already checked that car out too! Nice and solid, but....its not a sedan. See how the back window bows out like 90% of all furys??? My window bows in like the other 10%, which only 2% are left!!! Close.....but no cigar! Thankyou very much AND ANY OTHER LEADS WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!!
Thankyou 1970cat and ive already checked that car out too! Nice and solid, but....its not a sedan. See how the back window bows out like 90% of all furys??? My window bows in like the other 10%, which only 2% are left!!! Close.....but no cigar! Thankyou very much AND ANY OTHER LEADS WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!!
yeah, i know but it would get you everything you need except the rear window :)
That's right and in this day and age you gotta take what parts you find. Waiting for the right parts car could take a decade. Someone is gonna pick that Fury clean of all the money parts and scrap the rest .
I could only wish it was just the rear window that was different! Its a completely different car from the B pillars to the rear bumper unfortunately.
Let me ask...we asked what my car is worth as is....what does FCBO think its worth restored?!? Not a trailer queen resto, but a correct restoration that one could drive and enjoy?
Let me ask...we asked what my car is worth as is....what does FCBO think its worth restored?!? Not a trailer queen resto, but a correct restoration that one could drive and enjoy?
It will be ⅓ to ½ of what you put into it.
A C-body guy can't and shouldn't think about worth vs. cost.
The real question should be, Is this the car I want so badly that it will be worth it. Just ask The Critter...
A C-body guy can't and shouldn't think about worth vs. cost.
The real question should be, Is this the car I want so badly that it will be worth it. Just ask The Critter...

I respectfully disagree. Perhaps either when one is young or has money to burn that mindset is there. Hopefully as we grow older and smarter we recognize when to say yes, when to say no and what questions to ask. Then and only then after doing our homework we can decide if the total amount invested vs "fair" value. For me the more of an distance between total investment and value is part of my measure of success.
Wish i could find a solid sedan/coupe shell, that would be a immediate game changer, trust me!
The upper outer body looks good, just about any C-Body of the right era would give you what you need to restore the bottom of this.

Hopefully as we grow older and smarter we recognize when to say yes, when to say no and what questions to ask
Peter, I understand what you're saying.
I do that with so many other things to be fiscally prudent.
Extended warranties on a toaster oven... Fail.
Solar panels where the payback time is longer than their life expectancy... Fail.

I am not a "collector" with a stable where I should think about long term shifting of inventory. Maybe I would be if I was financially very well off to engage in the hobby that way. But I, and I think most of us are not those who can collect, sell, and, trade, C-bodies like Baseball cards.

My house is only worth ⅔'s of what it cost me to build but I built the house I had been designing in my head since I was a kid. I didn't build it to make money. I am not a real estate investor.
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If my garage was empty with no other cars in it to throw my $$$ at, id certainly take on this piece of Detroit history. To store it would have to be outside and that would only make matters worse unfortunately
As mentioned earlier in this ad!
I am with Stan.

I bought a bunch of fuselage C-bodies in my life where I knew before the purchase that I will loose money if I sell them one day.

I bought rustbuckets, neglected cars and messed up cars.
But they all had something that I definetly wanted them, exactly them not another car. Knowing they will cost me more than they are worth.

But I do it because it is my passion and hobby.


After 35 years I finally turned the whole c body world to my way of thinking
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