Why do you feel it necessary to keep bashing me as you keep diverting the subject in another direction? The only thing that I have been pounding on you have yet to address ...
largestar said:
"Lol. Like I said you aren't going to believe anything I post so look it up. I can't misrepresent what you find. If you don't want to that's fine but don't make assumptions and state them as facts. I get it, you don't like me and you aren't interested in the car, that's fine. What I don't get is that you don't have anything better to do than post negative comments on a stranger and his car. Lol.
largestar said:
You can do what you want. The ad accurately describes what it is and is not. Anyone that was interested got about 30 pics sent to them, including the fender tag. Yes it is a factory 440 car. I believe it was originally red. It is complete. As the ad says it's a project and the price reflects that. I wouldn't consider it a huge project but I can see where some might.
It's a 1 of 8 car and priced fairly. If I don't move it soon, the driveline will be rebuilt for a b body and the car will be crushed. Lastly. The car is 47 years old and a convertible , with a big block for under 2500. Of course it needs restoration. However the level of work it may require depends on who buys it "
You even asked me to prove my numbers to which i've done by quoting the man that has been keeping track of the numbers for one hell of a long time....
"As for rarity, any 70 Fury convertible is one of 1952 built and one with a 440 engine is one of an estimated 20 built. Surviving 440 convertibles like mine are one of only seven known to exist."
You are accusing me of something you have done

since I entered the conversation, which was only to clarify the 1 of 8 claim .