The "after-party" cruises take place in Lidkoping in the evenings. Thousands, upon thousands of mint condition us cars cruise the streets, all day and mostly all night. A town of 15k people is taken over for a few days. The mian event "Power Big Meet" takes place a few miles outside of town on an airfield. Over 20 000 classic US cars and over 200 000 spectators during 3 days.
The next day, we will head to the airfield. During the next 2 nights, the cruises will take over Lidkoping.
Our Newport, will also take part - this is the perfect test for the cooling system of the car, and the speed is mostly stop& go traffic
The town residents all go outside on the lawns, entire families in all age groups have picnics and watch the cars go by. Really cool, awesome atmosphere and spirit, and everyone is very welcoming. At night the parties start.
More to come, as the event hasn't even started yet...
The next day, we will head to the airfield. During the next 2 nights, the cruises will take over Lidkoping.
Our Newport, will also take part - this is the perfect test for the cooling system of the car, and the speed is mostly stop& go traffic
More to come, as the event hasn't even started yet...
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