1971 Gran Fury A/C

Sorry. I must be special. I need the FSM and the Parts Book and they have saved me from waiting to have a lot of questions asked, some incorrectly. You USE the books and then ask the questions where the books come up short.
No. Wait. Use the books, Google, and then ask questions.
Give a man a fish and...

Yes guys, I have the FSM for both chassis and body and I have been studying it, I am just trying to get a better insight on vintage AC Repair from those that have already done it or know about it. My experienced car friend will help me with the AC stuff, he is going to help me on everything that needs to be done. I am just trying to get a mental picture of what has to be done and an idea of how costly it could be.


I really like the FSM, it is very interesting, perhaps I need to read some more but too excited on what needs to be done to the car.