Is ten or eleven really a teen?
The seller is going to have to figure out how to operate a camera to get the $5k I think the car warrants... then somebody is going to have to repair the wipers...
Will this car be cherry? I'm guessing after new tires, a brake system rebuild (rust and old rubber), a fuel system clean out (maybe the fuel tank is savable)... the next owner will get to enjoy the rust damage to half the ring gear, the guts in the transmission and the few cam lobes that sat dry for so long... The pristine but brittle leather will turn to crap as it gets sat on and the dry powdery foam falls apart beneath it. The steering wheel is out gassing like an old bowling ball (or Snap On screwdriver handle) and will turn to powder shortly after a change of climate effects it... meanwhile the owner will continue to drum on about this "Time Capsule" and disconnect the speedo cable to preserve the low mileage as they sneak the old girl on and off the trailer at whatever events they choose to bring her to... my guess is a show field full of chevies and a big sign bragging about the mileage she has seen...
This is unlikely to be a car bought by a Mopar lover, but an avid watcher of BJ telecasts. A fellow who's "Man Cave" has a sign that says "Man Cave" and a big Husky tool box with a single drawer's worth of tools in it... including his only hammer, which has a claw... but the garage has a nice looking checkered flag vinyl tile floor and repopped neon on the walls. He can put his friends and family to sleep as he brags about what an investment genius he is, buying such a museum quality car for the fantastic price that was so much cheaper than the 6 banger Mustang or Camaro (now an 8 cylinder small block with stripes) that would have fit in his "Man Cave" much better.
Gotta go... my coffee is only half full, and turned cold while I was typing... I'm going to make it barely empty and hot again.