Zac - great pics! What's the deal with that holey Cuda and the demo derby lime gree Duster?
No problem.Oops... Called you Zach instead of Nick. Sorry.
Anyone else suddenly have a boner from that Dodge cab over?
Anyone else suddenly have a boner from that Dodge cab over?
I like it .. I mean, I'd have to make a vinyl wrap to make it look like a pack of Chesterfields going down the road but .. it's pretty damned cool.Anyone else suddenly have a boner from that Dodge cab over?
It wasn't mentioned anywhere in the 6 pagez on this site since I last shot my mouth off so I'll thro' this out. After meeting, shakin' handz and likein' my New Friend Catnip in Person we decided to split the cost of ah room WITHOUT HAVING TO SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN AND OUR BACK SIDE TO THE WALL SO NO SMART *** REMARKZ COMMANDO OR ANY OF YOU OTHER SOBz. We both missed the Picture Taking Ceremony at 10:00 Friday 'Cuz it took TWO AND AH HALF HOUREZ MORE TO GET THRU' THE FRICKIN' FRONT GATE INSTEAD OF OF THE NORMAL TEN MINUTE BACK UP. Happy trailz to all my old AND new
View attachment 133515
1. Zac - monaco75
2. John - 75landyacht
3. Ken - 78Brougham
5. Bill-FuryGT
6. Dave - polara71
9. Carsten
10. John - Moparnutcase
11. Chry73LUV
12. John - Big_John
13. James - Samplingman
14. Sabrina (Zac)
15. Sammie - 78Brougham
16. Aaron - live4theking
17. John - live4theking
18. Olivia - live4theking
19. Nick - '69FuryIIIConvertible
21. Mark - mdh157
Jer, it was GREAT meeting you! Sammie and I had a great time listening to all yourIt wasn't mentioned anywhere else in the 6 pagez on this site since I last shot my mouth off so I'll thro' this out. After meeting, shakin' handz and likein' my New Friend Catnip in Person we decided to split the cost of ah room WITHOUT HAVING TO SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN AND OUR BACK SIDE TO THE WALL SO NO SMART *** REMARKZ COMMANDO OR ANY OF YOU OTHER SOBz. We both missed the Picture Taking Ceremony at 10:00 Friday 'Cuz it took ah bit more then TWO AND AH HALF HOUREZ TO GET THRU' THE FRICKIN' FRONT GATE INSTEAD OF OF THE NORMAL TEN MINUTE BACK UP. Happy trailz to all my old AND new Friendz I met this year and lookin' for a repeat 12 monthz from now. BTW, Whom among us started the Avitar = first name registry ah few yearz ago would you PAHLEEZ COME FORWARD AND SPEAK UP? My whole Carlisle file AND MY NEW VANITY PLATE, AND REGISTRATION FOR MY LITTLE TRUCKLET that I flew up to Philadelphia to pay the ransom on and come to the party with. WELL,??? I GUESS OUR NEW LOVELY FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY REFERRED TO AZ TSA THOUGHT WAZ TOO HAZARDES TO LEAVE IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST? SO I NEED A NEW COPY, (AND UP DATED COPY POSTED) DO YEAH HEAR THIS NEW GUYZ IF YOU WANT IN? UH-UM, Did I mention I put 'bout 1K on it with a 2007 Michigan plate with "0" registration before arriving home in Wilmington safely? Jer