For Sale 300 Hurst

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No, no, no. It was a blatant design flaw starting at the drafting table.
I'm willing to bet the mockup model for the Executive Management walk-around was fudged to hide the misalignment.

Why not just find a fix if it bothers an owner?

Why even discuss it? What does it matter?
One must have standards or you end up like these guys...

No, no, no. It was a blatant design flaw starting at the drafting table. EVERY Chrysler was like that.
I'm willing to bet the mockup model for the Executive Management walk-around was fudged to hide the misalignment.

You mean to tell me that doesn't bother you?

Not really. It's a factory flaw, (made in USA). :usflag:
Fixing it would mean modifying a factory feature, Then it's a custom. That would bother me more... :BangHead:
Another "factory flaw"
The "New Yorker" script on the trunk of all NYB's.
The installation holes are misaligned so you have to curve the emblem to line up with the holes.

The next time you look at one, you will never unsee it.
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