If you're burning the cheap stuff (ethanol blended gasoline), it'll eventually eat thru the rubber fuel lines. Getting to the hoses under the hood is easy, the hoses from the tank to the hard lines along the bottom of the car not so much. When I rebuilt Project Turd, I nearly had to drop the tank to get to the hoses on the top of the tank. I KNEW ethanol was the future, there WILL come a day that gasoline will be extinct, or that I may have no choice BUT to run Ethanol blend. So I made the choice to purchase ethanol friendly hoses and an electric pump near the tank. (Twice the price but worth it for peace of mind) Even the vacuum lines too. To this day it has never seen a single drop of ethanol. But there may come a day that I'll be needing fuel and pure high octane gasoline may not be available, so it's capable. The Edelbrock carb mounted on the motor is also built for ethanol also.
If I were you, I'd remove the mechanical pump and install an ethanol friendly electric pump near the tank. Pull ALL the rubber fuel lines and replace with ethanol friendly hose. It's my guess the hoses on the tank are original, it has seen ethanol and has dry rotted and allows air suction. To my knowledge, no one makes an ethanol friendly mechanical pump, the diagram is rubber, and won't last but a few years at best. That way you're future proof. In the years ahead older cars may only be running corn liquor, and any rubber under the hood will be for coolant only.