65/66 Sport Fury


Active Member
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
Kindersley Saskatchewan Canada
Hi there, I looked at one the last Sunday in August. Rolling shell with lots of parts. Pretty much rust free. Extra front fenders and inner fenders. Supposed to have everything for it plus some spares. Was a 318 poly car. What should I offer the guy?










Depends how badly you want it and for what, a little more than scrap value so as not to offend the seller and negotiate a price you're both happy with. Over here it would be a $10-15K car even in that condition.
FYI it is a 65. I don’t think it’s worth much in Canada either especially in that condition. Unless you are super ambitious and have deep pockets it will be hard to fix this one up. Great parts car though as it is hard to find parts for the 65 and 66 fury’s.
On a positive these are great looking cars when done.
Since it's stored outside on dirt, I'd take a hard look at the floors and stub frame before getting too crazy.
IF you are looking for a big project and the floors aren't too bad, around $2k. They are pretty nice cars fixed up, and it was the Indy Pace Car for '65.
IF you are looking for a big project and the floors aren't too bad, around $2k. They are pretty nice cars fixed up, and it was the Indy Pace Car
Identify what you really need and what you will actually use, price it by the piece. Then determine what you might sell and do the same. You might be surprised how much it is or isn't worth. If you try and salvage the whole car in pieces, where are you going to store them/it and how long to sell. Personally, the juice doesn't look worth the squeeze. Just finished a off frame on a 65 and pieces I was missing I had to pay dearly but was still way ahead of the game because I found what I need. I personally, if I had gone this route and bought a shell, I would now have a mess on my hands with leftovers; but your decision!
IMO this is a $1000 car, based on what I can see.

No more than that, because there are a LOT of unknowns, and any missing parts will be a PITA to find.
There are lots of 65-only parts (like driverside motor mount and door locks), and then 65-only, Fury-only things, too (some body panels and trim, brakelights, etc).

No less than $1000, because it's a 65 SF, lots of parts there, and it isn't folded in half. 65 SFs aren't growing on trees anymore.

If you find it is verified to be solid underneath, then maybe $1500.
And you really should inventory all the parts then. For example, if there are no extra taillights included, it could be $200+ just to get a set of used lights/lenses. 1-year only.
But any more than that and you are better off finding a more expensive/better car to start with.