WRONG - O .... WRONG - O.....
You Deserve a Big Red X .......
This Chineseum garbage of the current world will rip up your Brake Drums to smithereens... they are waaaaaaay too aggressive....
You ABSOLUTELY MUST utilize *** N.O.S. *** Asbestos *** ONLY *** or risk having to replace Brake Drums in short order.....
*** N.O.S. *** Asbestos *** is the softest , smooooooothest braking system known to mankind, and NOT able to be duplicated.... the R &;D departments of various Brake companies attempted for 20 years ... and finally gave up ... they weren't worried about satisfying Classic and Antique cars ---,they had to create product for
Hyandais, Toyota, Ford Explorers , and the rest of the " who cares " world.....
Fortunately for you , I have *** N.O.S. *** Asbestos *** for your vehicle... P.M. me, as per forum rules, if interested.... Craig....
Or, you can call , as detmatt has listed my phone number above , for your convenience.....