66 Sport Fury hood latch and release?


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
New Jersey
Would anyone with a 66 Sport Fury be kind enough to post a picture of the hood latch and release. I am missing the release. The latch is there, but the part that sticks through the grill is gone. I'm finding it very hard to find these parts and also a picture of the setup.
Thank you,

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Depending on your plans with the car you could get hood pins as it would be easier the finding the release. But I'll post a pic of mine when I can.

That would be great if you could post a good picture of your setup. I don't want to use hood pins. The hood latch is there and the secondary latch is there, but the rod that releases the hood to the latch isn't. The only part that's missing is the rod or whatever it is, that sticks through the grill. I'm going to Mopars @ E-Town tomorrow and I'm hoping to find it there. Thanks again for your help.
If you can post a picture of your release so I can see what's missing I'll get a better picture for you

I will have to post the picture later as im not home. I can tell it's the piece missing that comes through the front grill to release the hood and then you release the secondary safety latch. Right now I have to use a screw driver to release the latch to get the hood open. I'm sure if you opened your hood and took a few pics of the latch assembly, that would do the trick.
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so if it ever shows up for sale on CL, everyone here would ruthlessly rip the car apart for having hood pins from PepBoys....
Don't forget the portholes to go with them.

**** Commando, you split my sides.
I was just saying. I don't know how hard it is to find parts down south, but if it's any thing like up here in Canada it might be the best bet :/

Ya, I figured that's what you meant. Screw driver, huh? Yep I'd say your missing a bit.
On my car the release latches are just under the hood referance the 'M' and 'O' can't remember which is first to release, but they don't go through the grill.

I'll send you picutres no problem though :D
Hmmm, strange. Seems there's a cutout in the grill for something that stick through it to pop the hood? Here are some pics of what I have. Also showing the screwdriver to open the hood. Without it, I can't get the hood open! The piece missing is the one that comes out of that hole where the screwdriver is.




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LOL, Good security you got there :D

Ya, you slip your fingers between the hood and grill to flip the release. Like D Cluley's post above.

I hope you've just take the grill off to work on the car or packed away in the car when you got it. It just looks funny to me without it

I found this for you if you can't find locally ;)


I have the entire grill assembly, just removed it to work on the vacuum pump for the brakes and other stuff. Thank you for the link, I'll check it out!
LOL, Good security you got there :D

Ya, you slip your fingers between the hood and grill to flip the release. Like D Cluley's post above.

I hope you've just take the grill off to work on the car or packed away in the car when you got it. It just looks funny to me without it

I found this for you if you can't find locally ;)


Man the price for shipping is expensive, but I am ordering it and need it..!
Ya, sadly with these C Bodies it's like that some times.
I always feel lucky when I can find parts.
Half the time I feel like I'm play 'Where's Waldo' going through the net and the hand of Mogod points it out for me;)

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I hear that. I did find my tail light lenses today at Mopars@E-Town today. Man I was happy when I saw them. Picked them up for $20!! Had a great day there. Thanks again for all the help.
I found this for you if you can't find locally

Thank you again for posting the link. It's on it's way! He cut me a break on the shipping. Total bill was $50. I think I did well. Now I can put the grill back in the car and no more using a screwdriver to open the hood...!!! LOL
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Did you still want a picture?

But you know nobody would think to use a screw driver in that hole to pop your hood:poke:

Thank you but I don't need it as the part is together and shipped out today. I figure I will see it by Thursday and I'm pumped because I can put my grill back in and have the car look decent again. Thanks again man.