69 polara 500 rag in OK

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yup, at least some are getting the car they want

will see if it's being flipped, that was a fast sale
Yeah, well both cars are reasonable, you need deeper pockets. Champagne taste and a beer budget, I know the feeling
i'll never have deeper pockets, just part of life..........if that is the case then i should drop this conv BS and just settle for a hardtop

and there is a gorgeous '73 amc ambassador brougham 401 htp in WI......had I not been on this conv kick
My appraisal came in at 12 thousand, go figure.

When I went to insure my car with Hagerty, I was asked what was the car's value. I said does the rate change with the value? They said yes. So I said 35 hundred bucks hoping for the lowest rate. They said sorry, $5k is the lowest we'll let you go. I said OK. lol

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When I went to insure my car with Hagerty, I was asked what was the car's value. I said does the rate change with the value? They said yes. So I said 35 hundred bucks hoping for the lowest rate. They said sorry, $5k is the lowest we'll let you go. I said OK. lol

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Dammit, I can't get the fricken head smack emoticon to work.
why the head smack, albeit not working.

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You want to insure your car for the maximum value that your agent will agree to. Otherwise, if the car gets totaled you get 3500 bucks.
I may have been A dumb truck driver all my life but I also have two Engineering degrees. One in Aeronautical and one in Manufacturing Management. I full well understand how insurance works. After a semester in Statistics and a second semester of Advanced Statistics in which insurance actuarial tables are used extensively, you learn all too well how to understand insurance and how to beat them at their own game. I absolutely made the right (and only) decision. Resume the head slapping. lol.

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