For Sale 71 Sport Fury On FB In Phoenix Rare Color

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I had a chance to buy the lesser of the two in 2016 . $3500 would have gotten this car in Idaho.

Hard to tell if these are the same car, but this one sold in 2016 also. I didn't save info on both, but I was thinking 1 was a 360, other a 383-2. If that is correct, then this likely is the car you mentioned, as it has a 383.

Underhood has same booster, but AC and radiator are different. The air cleaner change would make sense if going from the orig 2-barrel to a modern 4-barrel with 5-1/8" neck. The other changes are all bolt-in, so who knows?



I hope Ray buys this car. HE will do it justice

thanks brother.

my initial budget is $20K or so, that I will skim off the PD-4501 fund for this car, over a period of two-three years of resto work, and see how far that goes.

That wont get it showroom fresh .. perhaps that extra bit would take another person with MORE of the hard to find stuff, or maybe i sign up for another $10K of resto budget if I could swing it.

I am less focused on what it would sell for after all that investment .. but that's an important consideration too at my age now IN CASE i gotta turn it back into orange money for my bus deal.

my real hangup? im just not a fan of 318s in C's. Not dissin' anybody elses stuff, i have seen fantastic examples, etc. im just an R/RB kinda cat. I'd do NOTHING to permanently alter the car and I'd keep original powertrain.

all that's cart before the horse.

this car is gettin' sold imminently, or its FeeBay to see if I could test the $3K - $5K range if I were the seller. I am OK with that possibility.

if not .. im still ok too. I can "play ball" subject to the plan above.
Hard to tell if these are the same car...

View attachment 202966
Unless some VIN info pops up. Here's a pic of the one I posted above.
The link that 67-Fury threw out is VIN 109691.

So my memory was wrong, both 383 cars. Both are Indigo, black high-back front seats, and white VT. Gonna hafta harvest info from that other thread...
45 foot parlor diesel??? !!! Forget the hijack etiquette, I need pics of that!
Unless some VIN info pops up. Here's a pic of the one I posted above.
The link that 67-Fury threw out is VIN 109691.

So my memory was wrong, both 383 cars. Both are Indigo, black high-back front seats, and white VT. Gonna hafta harvest info from that other thread...
View attachment 202997
I remember thinking it was odd that September was spelled out on the vin tag on this car.
Cee Bodies, there's no place here for that language or angst. If you want that, head on over to Yellow Bullet or the comment section of some news website.

We don't have that here, and I think most of us don't want it here.
But you condone racism?How typical.
Funny, for years I always thought the phrase was "to chew" them down, which made sense to me, but once I saw it in print I was like, "oh, that's what people have been saying."

I have many Jewish friends and co-workers, and indeed, they consider themselves a race and a nationality. As for the phrase, they use that all the time among themselves, but I guess when a non-Jew uses it, it becomes offensive. Similar, I would imagine, to the use of the "N" word among African Americans, and how it it not acceptable in any form for the non-black community.

Words, meanings and phrases get mixed up with society norms to a point that they ultimately mean nothing more then what the speaker intended. Funny, if Dave had simply said "to negotiate" we would not have had such interesting discussion.
Did you hear the one where a jewish guy ran into a wall with a Hard on and broke his nose?
Yer pretty quick on playing that race card. Huh? The subject post may have been mildly anti semitic, but I doubt that even. It was certainly not a racist thing.

Actually "Jew" is pretty much acknowledge as a slur for a very long time. This article, by a Jewish author, describes how the word morphed from the noun it was in ancient time to the slur it has become. She does lament that it has become emotionally charged and would like it to revert back. However, she may have a very hard time achieving that after how the Nazis have cemented that emotionally charged version into our lexicon that continues today. As used here it is not racist in the standard sense but derogatory and racist in that anti-Semitism is a form of discrimination. So even though jew him down has been around a long time it is what it is. Jewish people would react to it in a similar manner that Japanese people would react to Jap. Here it is more likely a tone deaf issue than a direct intention to slur a group.

Opinion | ‘Jew.’ Why does the word for a person of my religion sound like a slur?
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