72 Imp 2dr...triple white....

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Could have meant a Mercury outboarder as well.
Outboards like these ?


So there are boat meets out of the water. I see 100 % trailer queens. :)
I changed my mind when I took a close look at the right fender/grill. WTF?

That part just unbolts from the fender. Any 67 Newport will have one....even the 300's I believe used the same front fender cap. All someone has done was fill it since they couldn't find...see lazy...a replacement piece close by. And then find a RH outer grille piece. And being that this cars has probably been in Califonia it's whole life...it's probably rust free. Or darn near to it.
That part just unbolts from the fender. Any 67 Newport will have one....even the 300's I believe used the same front fender cap. All someone has done was fill it since they couldn't find...see lazy...a replacement piece close by. And then find a RH outer grille piece. And being that this cars has probably been in Califonia it's whole life...it's probably rust free. Or darn near to it.

Matt already diagnosed the problem here. ;) All talk... I was just hoping that Stan might man up but it aint lookin good. You seem to be a pretty handy sort of fellow. Maybe this would be a good project for you?
Matt already diagnosed the problem here. ;) All talk... I was just hoping that Stan might man up but it aint lookin good. You seem to be a pretty handy sort of fellow. Maybe this would be a good project for you?
Sorry, but my Man Card is worn and tattered so forgive me. All I can do now is cajole someone with balls bigger than brains to take on projects like that Newport. I'd like to but....
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You're not yet ready for Bingo, Stan, you still could make it I guess ? :)
Comes up short on too many of my 'must have' items. You have the only car that meets 100% of the requirements.
Matt already diagnosed the problem here. ;) All talk... I was just hoping that Stan might man up but it aint lookin good. You seem to be a pretty handy sort of fellow. Maybe this would be a good project for you?

Thanks for the complement...but I have too many projects as is. I have the 68 T/C wagon, my 48 Desoto 2dr sedan, and I'm currently working on converting my 84 Dodge D350 2wd cummins 5spd truck over to a 4x4. All this in an older suburban neighborhood. With a concrete driveway, and a single car garage. Man I miss the farm I grew up on. ;)
I'm upside down on my car by at least 300% now. I can't bail untill someone gives me $12k++ and that's never, ever, going to happen ;-)
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