This car sold at the Carlisle Pa. Auction On Friday. 10,000 original miles $55,000 dollars plus 7% commission for a total price of $58,850. Unbelievable!!!!
Wow, won’t see that one flipping anytime soon. Wonder if the gold lettering will be coming off?
Wow, won’t see that one flipping anytime soon. Wonder if the gold lettering will be coming off?
But the owner was locally known for selling detailing products around the NJ area. You don't peel off that kinda history!
So.....my Formal is a 6 figure car???? Lol
I can't believe it. I am speechless. They must serve alcohol at that auction....
Sorry but that shots gotta go. If the name doesn't come off the side, maybe take the doors off, hang some dingle balls on it, hire a midget with a Davy Jones wig and make a tribute Fantasy Island taxi out of it.But the owner was locally known for selling detailing products around the NJ area. You don't peel off that kinda history!
Lose the wide white walls too!I never heard of him and I would peel that lettering off in a minute then take the car to the beach in the next minute
No, what you are witnessing is the separation of the fuselage styling from the slabs and the Formals.
If you formal guys can't step up to save a rust free sunroof car how can you think their values are comparable ?
This wagon was gorgeous and in incredible shape. Yet, even I am shocked at the gavel price .
Wow and I thought 9K I got for mine was good! but mine was no where that nice! Its great to see our cars getting some respect!
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